Page 79 of Reed's Reckoning
“Come on, I can be quick!”
“No,” I swat him, “save it for tonight.”
“Okay, how about a kiss then?”
“That I can do.” I lean in and kiss him with every ounce of love in my body.
“Phillip, can I talk to you for a minute?” I poke my head in my boss’s office and he motions me in. It’s been three days since Reed and I had our talk about our living situation. I’ve tried to approach Phillip several times with an idea, but chickened out. Now I am off the next two days and I want him to have time to think about my proposal.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Do you remember earlier in the year when we implemented the work from home policy? Would that be offered to someone in my position?” I hold my breath for his answer. I still don’t know what to do about Katy, but I will worry about that once the job situation is figured out.
“Yes, I guess it would be possible in your current position. But I can’t see it working if you are promoted.”
“Well, that’s another thing. I want to take my name off the contender’s list. Things have changed.”
“I imagine this has something to do with the man in your life?”
I let out a sigh. “Yes.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“You know Reed’s season is about to start and his life is down in Jacksonville. He’s offered to move here but I want to have flexibility. I’m not sure what we will do yet, but working remotely will help.”
“You’d give up the chance at a promotion?”
“I don’t feel that way. I mean, yes, technically I’m withdrawing my name for a chance to move up, but right now I have a lot on my plate and need to do what’s best for my family.”
“I completely understand, I’m disappointed, but I understand. Let’s put in the paperwork next week for you to have a virtual office.”
I leave his office and pack up my things. On my way to the beach house, I think about how we will make this work, but now at least there’s some wiggle room when it comes to our schedules.
One thing that made this decision easier is that this week Katy’s physician cleared her for driving again. He’d like to see her stick to short distances for a few months until she gets used to it again. It’s been over four years since she’s been behind the wheel of a car. But she read through the state driving manuals with updated laws and has a driving test scheduled next week. She’s going to drive my car for a while. Reed does not like this idea and I won’t be a bit surprised if he buys her a new car too.
There’s a welcome party waiting on me when I get to the house. Reed has Davis with him since Amy drove in today. Davis jumps in my arms talking a mile a minute while Amy smothers me in hugs. When I set Davis down, I’m engulfed in two strong arms from behind. Reed kisses a trail down my neckline.
“I missed you.” He murmurs.
“Umm hmm.”
“How was your day?”
“It was great. I have some good news to talk to you about.”
“Me too. Not really great news, but it’s news all the same.”
“Let me change first.”
He lets me go and I find my bag in his bedroom. I throw on some shorts and one of his tee’s and think about his reaction. It never occurred to me to ask about setting up an office in his house. He’s waiting for me by the back door with two solo cups in his hands. Mine is filled with wine and his with beer.
“Mom’s going to watch Davis for us to walk on the beach.” He takes my hand and leads me out. The smell of the salt water and the sand squishing between my toes relaxes me.
“I talked to Phillip today, and he approved for me to work remotely. We’ll iron out the details next week, but it’ll be set up by the time your season starts.”
He stops walking and stands in front of me. “What does this mean?”
“Well, we still need to figure out Davis’s daycare situation and what to do about Katy, but this means I have more flexibility when it comes to our living arrangements. I’ll set up a home office in both our places.”
“Why’d you do this?” he asks quietly.
“I couldn’t stand the thought of you having to commute all the time. Also, I love your house. It will be a big adjustment for Davis, but we’ll get him on some sort of a schedule.”
“Details can come later. This means the fucking world to me.” His lips brush across mine lightly. “So I guess we’re moving in together.”
“That’s usually what sleeping under the same roof means.”
I squeal as he picks me up and spins us around. Wine and beer spill out everywhere but I don’t care. In this moment, I’ve done something for him. I don’t have the kind of money to buy him big elaborate gifts, but making adjustments so we can be together is something I can do.