Page 100 of Him Lessons
Luke’s mouth tilted up.
Andy blushed. Palming her overheated face, she closed her eyes and groaned. “Oh god, who am I kidding? I’m so not prepared for this. It would be awesome if I could just do like a practice round or something.”
“A practice round?”
She opened her eyes to find Luke watching her with the most intense look. The kind of look that had her vagina acting up again and her pervy brain spinning yet another wild idea. “Luke?”
“Yes, Andy?”
“You are kind of my teacher.”
“That’s true.”
“And we’re both here right now. In my bed.”
“We are.”
“So uhm, maybe I could…” She bit down on her lip. Hard. Her entire body warmed, grew feverish even, as the large — mostly naked — man sprawled next to her shifted closer. Or maybe it was Andy who moved towards him, drawn by the magnetic pull of his eyes and the commanding rasp of his voice.
“Finish that sentence, Bird.”
“Maybe I could practice with you.”
Chapter twenty
Pearlywhiteteethsankback into a plump pink lip. One Luke very much wanted to suck between his own.
Only Andy wasn’t into kissing. Exactly why this was the case was another mystery about his Little Bird he knew he should eventually probe — but at the forefront of his mind was the conversation at hand.
“You want topracticewith me.”
The lip popped free. “Y-yeah. Like a dry run.”
“A dry run,” Luke repeated, further distracted by the dart of her tongue swiping moisture over her mouth.
“Of my seduction skills,” she added. “Which are kinda lacking.”
The elaboration was both unnecessary and inaccurate. Andy didn’t need a damn bit of help seducing a man. She was doing just fine on her own with her provocative-ass words and cock-teasing lips.
He should put an end to this right now. This woman wanted to use him as some sort of sexual guinea pig. A starter course for the main dish. Which happened to be his best friend.
Luke should say no. For a myriad of reasons. Not the least of which was that his heart was involved now. Somewhere over the course of a dozen sunrises and a hundred tiny smiles, Andy had stolen it.
He should say no.
But that’s not what he said. Because his body was calling the shots here, and it very much wanted whatever it was Andy was offering. Heartbreak be damned.
“I have two conditions,” he rasped.
A soft, breathy gasp slipped from her — equal parts relieved, nervous, and excited. “Yes?”
“Those stay on.” Luke’s gaze lowered to her fuzzy shorts. “Do you know why?”
“You like them so much?” she ventured.
“True, Bird. I do. But that’s not why. The reason I want those tiny little stripper shorts to stay on you is because if they come off, then I’ll want to remove whatever tiny little panties you have on underneath.”
“They’re not tiny. They’re tagless and comfortable.” She slid a hand to the bottom hem of her shorts, fidgeting with the decorative split there. “But they do have a tiny pink bow at the top.”