Page 112 of Him Lessons
“Well, it’s not happening on my watch.” Andy unzipped her wetsuit and stripped down to her brand new just-bought-it-on-clearance bikini with zero qualms about doing so in front of the man. She’d blown way past her initial discomfort regarding that. Especially given what had gone down between them Friday night.
As she bent to swap her rolled-up wetsuit for a towel from her backpack, Andy knew Luke was checking her out. Could practically feel his gaze landing hot on her mostly bare skin. Or maybe that was just the sun.
She stood back up, rubbing frantically at her dripping body. And nope. It wasn’t the sun. It was one hundred percent Luke.
Gaze darting to his lips, Andy grew distracted as she wondered about the taste of them.
She was so freaking thirsty.
Probably from all the surfing.
Luke growled low in his throat, and she realized she was repeatedly brushing the towel over the wet crotch of her black floral bikini bottoms.
Okay, it wasn’t just the surfing.
“I’ve gotta g—”
“Yo!” Kyle cut in, jogging over to her. “That wassiiick!”
Bumping the fist he held out, Andy grinned. “Thanks.”
He tipped his chin to Luke. “You’re gonna need to get her a new board soon. You see that little bottom turn she did on that last wave?”
“Yeah,” Luke said proudly. “She’ll be ripping in no time.”
Pulling on her shorts and T-shirt as the guys chattered about her runs in the water, Andy flushed at all the praise. Then immediately grew distracted by the uncomfortable feeling of wet swimsuit against dry clothes.
Remembering her new bikini had ties on the side, Andy slipped a hand down her shorts and, with a couple quick tugs, yanked the bottoms free of her cargos. The top came next. Untying it, Andy pulled it through the armhole of her shirt. Suit off, she shoved it in her bag, then stood back up to see both men gawking at her.
“What?” she said, raking her fingers through her matted hair and dripping water all over her work shirt. Thank god she’d chosen the black one.
Luke swallowed, gaze a little foggy.
Kyle grinned. “Now that’s a true badass Betty right there.”
Or one with major sensory issues.
“We all need to go celebrate.” Kyle winked at her. “Ready to brave the club tonight?”
And there it was. The invitation she’d been both longing for and dreading. How could she possibly turn it down now? She’d already told Luke she wouldn’t.
But did he want her to?
She glanced at Luke. Finding his eyes suddenly sharp on her, she swallowed. Because they were as unreadable as they were intense at the moment.
Damn it. What to do?
She licked her lips.
Luke followed the dart of her tongue, then glanced away quickly. “Sorry, man,” he said with a shrug for his friend, “I told Mary I’d fix up this crib for her tonight.”
Kyle’s expression soured. “Can’t the baby daddy do it?”
“He’s not good with tools, apparently.”
“Jesus,” Kyle muttered. “Heisa tool.” Exhaling a disgusted sigh, he glanced back at Andy and smiled. “So what do you say, sweetheart? Wanna hit the dance floor with me?”
With one last glance at Luke — who gave her nothing in return — Andy nodded. “Okay. Cool.”