Page 130 of Him Lessons
“Stop distracting me.” His hand rose to a nipple spearing her thin cotton bra and gave it a firm pinch. “I need to know something important.”
“What’s that?” she managed on a whimper.
“Do you remember Lesson Two?”
“Uh… very protective?”
“Yes. I’m very protective, Bird. And Iwillprotect you… even from me. Before we do this, I need to know everything that makes you uncomfortable sexually, and I definitely need to know about the grabby-hands thing.”
“Oh.” She was quiet a beat as he toyed with her right breast, circling and squeezing its fabric-covered tip in turns. “Well, as to the first, the list is pretty long.”
“Nipple play isn’t on it, I take it.”
She giggled. “Nope. That’s on the other one.”
“Written things down, have you?”
“Yes, actually. Making lists of things that I like and dislike is another thing that calms me. Next time we’re at my apartment, I’ll show you my sex list. It’s pretty comprehensive. And very specific. I don’t have a problem writing about sex. But it is kind of cringy to talk about it.”
“Fair enough. If you feel better showing me your list, we can table that discussion for next time.” Luke could tell he’d made her happy with that statement because she let out a pleased sigh and rubbed up against his erection again. Which, of course, prompted him to clamp down on her other nipple.
“But wearegonna talk about the other thing. Clearly, this” — he pinched harder on the bud between his fingers, eliciting another needy moan — “isn’t a problem for you, but I wanna know what is. I wanna know about the grabby-hands thing.”
Now there was a disgruntled sigh. “Fine.It was just that stupid thing with Wade.”
“What happened?”
“He was my first crush. My first kiss.”
“I hate him already. How old were you?”
“Fourteen. It was during my last week of middle school. Wade knew about my crush, and he found me one day during lunch and persuaded me to take a walk with him.” Andy snorted. “Didn’t take much persuading. I thought he was the next coming of Edward Cullen.”
“Fuck that guy. Proceed please.”
“We ended up at the racquetball courts, which were pretty secluded, and Wade started telling me how beautiful he thought I was. Then he said he wanted to kiss me, and so I let him.”
She paused, chest rising and falling under his palms. “It wasn’t too bad at first. I kinda liked it even. But then he shoved his tongue in my mouth, and I could taste the hot dog he’d eaten for lunch, and hot dogs are gross, so yeah, it all went downhill from there.”
Luke tensed. “How far downhill?”
“Well, he told me I was a good kisser — which was nice — but then he said he would really like me to kiss him somewhere else — which had me confused. I thought he meant he wanted to go somewhere else to make out.”
“That’s not what he meant,” Luke surmised darkly.
“Nope. The next thing I knew his grabby hands were in my hair, and he’d shoved me to my knees and unzipped his pants.”
Luke swore. “That skeevy little bastard.”
“I was scared.”
“Of course you were. How far, Bird? How far did it go?”
“Actually, that was it. As soon as Wade’s zipper came down, my friend PJ came running into the court, screaming at him to let me go.”