Page 145 of Him Lessons
Aftercatchinghisfillof waves, Luke headed back to shore. The Tweety towel was missing his favorite creeper when he approached it, but Luke wasn’t surprised since Dylan had told him Andy had taken off to use the bathroom.
With her bike nowhere to be seen, Luke quickly deduced she’d gone back to her apartment. Silly bird. She should have just run up to his condo.
Luke smiled at the thought of her letting herself in whenever she wanted. A month ago, he would have run screaming from the idea of getting so close to a woman he’d be entertaining the notion he was entertaining right now. But his world had changed.She’dchanged it. For the better. And he wanted Andy with him always. He wanted her to move in with him.
Or he could move in with her. Luke wouldn’t rule out the possibility. She had a sweet gaming set-up, and her apartment was even closer to Mary’s place, and as long as they got a bigger bed for Andy’s room, they could probably make it work.
Still, it did make more sense for her to move into the condo since it was right at the beach, and she was such a little badass on a board now.
Yes, her moving into his place was the better idea.
Andy could stock his bathroom full of her tampons, hair ties, and whatnot. He’d clear out a row in his closet for her cargo collection. Hell, she might need two if he could persuade her to get a few more of those little black dresses.
And, of course, there was Petals. Luke already had a spot in mind near the balcony for her.
They could make it work.
At least until she was pregnant.
His little bird, not hers.
Then he and Andy might have to rethink condo living because Luke wasn’t sure about babies toddling around balconies. Maybe they’d need one of those pack-and-play deals he’d bought his sister for Frankie.
He wasreallygetting ahead of himself here.
Giving his dripping hair a brisk rub, Luke turned at Dylan’s approach. Already cleaned up, his friend had his board under his arm and his towel slung over the shoulder of his Sand Spot tank.
“What are you mooning about over here, brah?”
Luke shrugged as he finished drying off. He could lie, but what was the point? His boy would see right through him, and Luke didn’t feel like masking his absolute joy at finding love with some ridiculous sense of machismo anyway. “Her,” he said simply.
“You’ve got it bad, huh?”
“I was just thinking of giving up a beachfront bachelor pad, so yeah, I’d say I do.” Dark brown eyes widened as they locked with his. Luke snorted. “But then I came to my senses. She’ll have to move in with me.”
Dylan cuffed him on the shoulder. “Damn straight. I just can’t get enough of that pissy little face.” Dylan’s condo was right next to Luke’s, so it was highly likely he and Andy would be seeing even more of each other than they already did. “Can I call her sweetheart like Kyle?”
“Not if you value your nuts, Lahaina.”
Dylan groped his sac through his boardies. “Coconuts, brah. Big ones.”
Luke shook his head, then tugged on his shirt. From his bag, his phone fired up.
“Dude, your man-purse is ringing.”
Yeah, Luke had finally bought a beach bag. Before hitting the waves that morning, he'd stopped by the shop to pick up a few things, wanting to make sure his girl had everything she needed to be comfortable since she wasn’t feeling so hot.
Seeing her home number flash on his phone, Luke tapped the screen. “How you feeling, sweetheart?” he said with a pointed smirk at Dylan.
“N-no,” responded a teary-sounding voice. “This isn’t Andy.”
His smile fell at the woman’s distress. “Kory?”