Page 168 of Him Lessons
• Remove birdcages
• Tell A about L
• Quality time with A
• Quality time with D
• Brunch at R
• Pick up Rx for V
• Follow up with Legal re AW
“There, you see! Second item on my list.” Her father pocketed his phone and gave her his full attention. “Andy, your boyfriend showed up at the apartment Sunday night as I was leaving, and we had a short talk.”
“A short talk,” Andy said, belly fluttering with nervous excitement. “What did Luke say?”
“Oh, a number of things,” her father answered breezily, “but I suppose the most important point, which he made quite emphatically, was that he loved you.”
Luke loved her.
He loved her, and not only had she not scared him off Sunday morning, but he’d come back to see her that very same night. He’d come back to see her because he loved her and wanted to be with her.
But wait! Why hadn’t he stayed?
Andy side-eyed her father. “Why didn’t he stay that night?”
Now the man was definitely looking sheepish. “Well, I might have suggested you needed some space.”
Davis sighed.
Andy cocked her head. “Space,” she murmured, frowning at the word. She knew her father wasn’t talking about the vast empty blackness between stars or even just a small physical separation between two people. He was talking about a mental break. An emotional one. That’s what that expression meant.Needing some space.
Andy supposed in the thick of it Sunday, her father would have been right. She had needed some distance then because the emotions inside of her had just been so big, and painful, and raw that she was lashing out at everyone in her path.
But now… in this moment, she didn’t need the space anymore. She didn’t want it. She wanted the opposite. She wanted Luke’s arms wrapped around her so tight there was nothing between them but a boatload of love and some clothes that could be easily shucked.
“Okay. I really am good now. Y’all can go home.”
Her mother grinned slyly.
Her father caught the look and frowned. “But what about the third item on my list?”
“Consider it done,” Andy said, ushering her parents back into her apartment. “You can move on to spending quality time with Mom. You two still have six more days of vacation. You don’t want to waste them worrying about me, do you?” At this point in her rambling, Andy was all but shoving her parents out the front door.
Her mother seemed amused by this; her father, on the other hand, appeared suspicious. “You’re calling him, aren’t you?”
“For anotherprivatelesson?”
Andy held the door for him. “Veryprivate.”
Her father didn’t look too pleased about this.
Tugging her disgruntled husband through the doorway, Davis turned and winked. “Have fun spending quality time with your man.”
“You too, Mom. Later.”