Page 50 of Him Lessons
If she’d been smart, she would have bought the suit in every color the store had offered just as she did with her cargo pants and tag-less cotton shirts. Finding clothes that didn’t trigger her sensory issues wasn’t always easy for Andy, and she’d learned long ago to stock up on the styles that worked for her.
“It’s comfortable,” she finally said to fill the awkward silence.
“I’m sure it is,” Luke responded, gaze lingering for a moment on her hips before swinging back up. “But, not gonna lie, the wardrobe could use some sprucing up.”
“I hate buying clothes.”
He cracked a smile. One that said he’d sorted this out for himself. “We’ll deal with that later. Right now we’re gonna tackle this beast.” Pulling the board from the sand, he strapped it to his ankle and took off down the beach.
Andy stepped off the edge of the towel and, for a brief moment, luxuriated in the soft powdery feel of the warmth cushioning her feet. Maybe sand wasn’t so bad.
“No more stalling!” Luke called out. “Let’s do this!”
With a juvenile thrust of her tongue, she trudged after him. They headed north a ways before angling down to the water. Andy’s steps slowed when they met the firm, damp sand along the shore. Sand that was smooth, cold, and a bit crunchy underfoot, but still not altogether unpleasant. Andy knew, however, that if she didn’t tread lightly, her feet would sink into the icky-feeling muddy sand underneath.
Grimacing down at the hard-packed granules beneath her soles, Andy took another gingerly step forward as though she were balancing on the thinnest layer of ice.
“Just run for it!” Luke yelled from the foamy surf, which was already flirting about the hem of his trunks. “The water will clean off your feet, I promise. It’s like magic!”
“Duh, dude!”she hollered back, temper riling with every snickering shake of the man’s shoulders.“Mother-freaking, duh!!”
He laughed even harder.
Sucking in a breath, Andy let out a furious growl.
Then she ran for it.
Feet flying over the sand, she hit the shallows with way too much momentum to slow down. Which was unfortunate because the water crashing into her felt like a million icy needles stabbing her skin.
“Cold,” she shrieked even as her weight carried her forward and the ripples of whitewater grabbed at her. “Oh my god, it’s cold.” When she was able to hit the brakes, she hopped up as though she might somehow be able to levitate herself above the frigid surface of the sea and fly back over to Tweety.
Alas, she was not her favorite video game sorceress. And gravity was a bitch.
Losing her footing just as a small but freakishly powerful wave slammed into her, she went down. Her ass fell back into the water, and a squawk burst from her lungs. She quickly rolled to her knees and pushed herself up.
Luke came charging over, laughing like an idiot.
Andy couldn’t bring herself to care. All she wanted from the jerk was some height. As soon as he drew within range, she lunged, using all the muscles in her legs to spring off the sea bottom floor.
Luke must have seen the crazy in her eyes a split second before she executed the maneuver because he managed to plant his feet and grab hold as soon as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs about his waist.
“Shit,” he cried as she squeezed the holy bejesus out of his torso in an attempt to suck every last ounce of heat from it she could. “Andy—”
“C-cold,” she chattered into his ear. “W-why is it so cold?”
“Because it’s the Pacific Ocean.” He sputtered out a laugh as she clung to him even tighter. “And clearly, you’re no fish.”
Just as he said it, something brushed past her toes, which were dangling in the water. With a shriek, she jerked her knees up higher on his sides. “Was that a sh-shar—”
Immediately, Luke brought a finger to her shivering lips. But that’s not what silenced her. It was the look in his eyes: both scarily intense and serenely beautiful at the same time. “Lesson Five,” he said calmly, “and this goes for all surfers, not just Kyle — none of us want to hear about the man in the gray suit while we’re out here. Not unless you have an actual visual. Got it?”
“Yesh,” she whispered against the warm press of his finger.
“Cool.” He took his hand away and plunged it into the water. After swirling it about, he came back with a handful of slimy green foliage. “It’s just some seaweed.” She wrinkled her nose. He tossed the plant back into the water. “You okay, Andalise?”
It was the first time she’d heard him call her by her given name. And it kind of took her breath away. Of course, that might have just been the cold talking.
Her gaze fell to his lips. Which were so close, she could feel the warmth radiating from them. Kissable warmth. Not that she wanted to kiss the man. She didn’t even like kissing.