Page 77 of Him Lessons
There was a beat of silence. Then, “I’m going to need you to explain to me what the hell is going on, Andy, because I am very confused as to why you would throw away a promotional opportunity you’ve been so focused on achieving. One you’ve been soexcitedabout achieving.”
Well, the former was certainly true. Andy had been focused on moving up the ranks at ManCave. Having a healthy dose of her father’s ambitious nature, it had only seemed natural to want to climb that ladder.
Plus, the Aspie girl in her just couldn’t help hyper-fixating on certain things.
Andy’s wandering gaze fluttered to the back of her bedroom door. To where Henry Cavill’s perfectly-sketched visage watched her with glowing eyes —knowingeyes — and a wise little quirk of his mouth. It was as if the man was trying to tell her something right now, but for the life of her, Andy couldn’t sort out what.
Her father’s impatience, on the other hand, was crystal clear. “I’m waiting, Andalise.”
Shit. Back to the conversation at hand. “Well, I don’t know,” she began hesitantly. “I mean, I wanted the job, but I wouldn’t say I wasso excitedabout it.”
“So you’re saying you weren’t happy at the store?”
“Not always,” she admitted quietly.
Another measure of silence followed this. Then her father’s voice rasped back over the line. Softer this time. “Because you want something different for yourself?” he broached.
“Yeah, I think I do.” She swallowed. “Actually, I know that I do.”
“Okay. I understand. But I wish you would have told me sooner. I hate to think you’ve been working at ManCave all this time just to makemehappy. Because you thought it was somethingIwanted for you.”
“That’s not it. Trust me, Dad, if I’d been seriously unhappy, I would have walked out a long time ago.”
“So what made you unhappy enough to do so now?” her father shot back. “Because while I understand your desire for a change, this feels very sudden, and sudden life changes have never been something you’ve been particularly fond of.”
True. Her father knew her too well.
“Guess I’m turning over a new leaf.”
“Evidently,” he said dryly.
They both chuckled. Then her father grew serious. “I need you to level with me here, Andalise. Is there something else to this? Because I sensed some really nervous vibes from Dave when I spoke to him. More than just the usual ‘holy shit, the head of the company is on the line’ energy. Did something happen at the store?”
Damn it.Why did her father have to be so freaking intuitive? Nothing slipped by the man.
This was so not good. Andy really did not want to have this conversation. Especially not after the one she’d had the other day with Aldon at the Sand Spot. The guy had apologized for the derogatory things he’d said about her to Dave. He’d also thanked her for keeping quiet about the incident. Ratting him out now just felt weird.
On the other hand, maybe that was exactly why Aldon had apologized to her. Maybe he hadn’t been feeling remorseful so much as he’d been trying to subtly ensure her continued silence. Did she owe him that? As she continued to worry over the issue, Andy’s pacing picked up speed, and her heart started pounding.
“Andalise” — this time her name was a calming whisper — “just tell me what happened.”
“I…” She sank down onto the computer chair behind her. “I overheard them talking about me.”
She swallowed. “During Aldon’s interview for the store manager spot, I hid in the bathroom next to Dave’s office. I thought if I could hear what questions he was asking Aldon maybe I’d do better with my own interview.”
“Go on,” her father said, not sounding the least bit disappointed in her for the eavesdropping, “tell me what you heard them say, Andalise. Tell meexactlywhat you heard.”
So Andy did, recounting as much of the conversation as she remembered. Including Aldon’s crack about her boobs, but leaving out his history of getting handsy with her in the store.
This because she knew all those touchy moments with Aldon would definitely be a touchy subject for her father.
This owing to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Andy’s very first kiss. An incident that had occurred the last week of her last year in middle school, and one Andy often referred to as “That Stupid Thing With Wade.”
Also, Aldon’s “tits” comment was bad enough, and by that point in the recounting, the silence coming from the other end of the line was reaching peak levels of tension.
In an effort to diffuse said tension, Andy quickly wrapped things up. “… so then Dave and Aldon shook on it and left the office to go watch some TV.”