Page 95 of Him Lessons
“Cool.” She swiveled her chair to face him. “Well, uhm… yeah.”
Luke rose and grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys off the desk. “I should probably head out.”
Andy’s wandering gaze landed on the bed, and she sucked in a breath. “Or maybe you could…”
He waited for her eyes to find his again.
He really wanted those eyes.
And he really wanted her to finish that sentence.
With a brave little exhale, she granted both his wishes. “Maybe you could stay.”
Chapter nineteen
“Maybeyoucouldstay,”Andy said as she stared into Luke’s slightly bloodshot, strangely magnetic eyes.
Holy shit, what the hell was she doing inviting this man to spend the night? He was totally going to think she wanted to have sex with him.
Which — holy shit —didshe want to have sex with him?
The sudden clenching of her vagina said she probably kinda did. Maybe more than kinda.
Damn, what to do?
Ask him to sleep on the couch?
“You, uh, did help me make the bed after all.”
Apparently, her pervy brain was having none of the couch idea.
Luke’s gaze shifted to the clean white sheets. “I did,” he said, voice a bit hoarse. Probably from all the trash-talking they’d been doing during the game. The man was probably super tired. He probably just wanted to go home and crash.
“There’s plenty of room,” Andy pressed on doggedly. “The bed’s super big.”
Luke’s mouth lifted in a wry grin as he glanced down at his legs.
Yeah, this guy was no Stubs. A queen-size mattress definitely couldn’t be classified as “super big” for a man of his stature.
He was going to say no. This was a stupid idea born of the leftover adrenaline from the most awesome freaking motorcycle ride ever and a couple hours of intense virtual combat.
And the sexual awakening.
“Okay. That’d be cool.”
He tossed his things back on the desk. “Sure. Why not?”
Because it might lead to sex.
Andy snorted, the sound bordering on piggish and very uncool. “Yeah. We’re friends, right? Friends sleep over all the time.”
“Friends like Carson?”
“No. He’s more of a homebody.”