Page 98 of Him Lessons
“I probably made a mistake by not going, huh?”
Luke gave a slight shrug of his shoulder. “Doesn’t feel much like a mistake at the moment.” His gaze dropped to her mouth.
Oh god, he wanted to kiss her.
Kissing so wasn’t her favorite thing. But with Luke, maybe she might like to try it again. Maybe it would be okay since she could smell the minty floss picks and toothpaste on his breath, which meant he probably wouldn’t taste like chewed-up Pizza Rolls.
But, ugh, another person’s tongue in her mouth?Blechk!And all the weird saliva-y sounds that went with it? Doubleblechk!
Her thoughts must have been rather loud again because Luke fell to his back with an amused snort. “Alright, here’s the thing. It’s okay to pass on an invitation from a guy once or twice, but any more than that and you’re probably communicating to him that you’re not really into him. And I know you’re still really into Kyle, right?”
Yes, she was. Maybe not REALLY into. Butreally, for sure.
“Yes, I am,” she said quickly. “I’m still into him.”
Luke was quiet a beat, then he nodded. “Well, then you should know that Kyle has two great passions in life. Surfing and clubbing. That’s why he opened the Spots. If you really want to win him over, you should probably show an interest in both.”
That made sense. And she’d already tackled the surfing, which was ostensibly the more challenging of the two. But, damn, clubbing? That was so not her thing.
“Oh,” Luke suddenly drawled. “I know what that frown is about.”
Her frown jerked his way. “You do?”
“Yeah, I know your secret.”
Which one? She sucked in a breath.
He rolled back her way. “Can’t dance, huh?”
She exhaled a snort. “I can dance.”
“So you do have some moves?”
She did. Three of them. The bounce, the twirl, and the head bob. Mostly done alone and to music that wouldn’t cause long-term hearing impairment.
“Yes,” she said testily.
“Well, I stand corrected.” He propped himself up on his elbow, eyes searching her face in the dim light. “So then if Kyle asks you again, you’ll—”
“I’ll go,” she finished decisively. “If he invites me to the club again, I’ll go.”
“You could always swing by on your own, ya know?”
Voluntarily? Ha! That so wasn’t happening. She’d rather go score another toothbrush from the dentist.
Luke laughed at whatever face she was making. “Alright, alright, so next time Kyleinvitesyou, you go. Then what?”
“Well, we probably wouldn’t need to stay too long, right? Maybe just for four or five songs.”
“Sounds reasonable. Then what?”
“What do you mean?”
“Imean, how exactly do you plan on putting the moves on my boy?”