Page 11 of The Darkest King
Sienna doesn’t know who I am, and it needs to stay that way for her safety.
What I will do if Joe makes me go home, I don’t know.
I’ll deal with that issue if it arises.
Sienna giggles, drawing my attention back to her. She nudges her chin in Connor’s direction.
“Don’twhatme. Connor Barrett. Are you broken? Please tell me you noticed how hot that man is. Seriously, I know you’re picky, Mia, but that man is a ten going on twenty.” She laughed.
Oh, I noticed. Too damn much.
“Fine, yes, he’s a ten,” I reply, shooting Mack a glance and hoping he can’t hear us. My pride would die a quick death if he had.
“What I wouldn’t give for a night with a man like him.” Sienna sighs. “Do you think he’d be as good as all the books and movies make billionaires out to be? All dark and broody, making you come just by looking at him.”
I snort.
Sienna reads way too many steamy novels. Her sense of reality is a little unhinged. Twelve-inch cocks could wound a woman, and not in thehave a bath and I’ll be fine for round two in a momentkind of way.
Not that I’d know.
I’ve slept with only two men.
“Just with a glance? No.” I laugh. “A bank balance doesn’t make someone a good lover.”
Except she is sure Connor Barrett has an offer every night of the week here in Manhattan to do all the practice he needs to be a very good lover.
She isn’t offering. Maybe in another life.
“Maybe they take lessons,” Sienna muses, holding her tablet up to her chest while she watches Connor.
His eyes find mine and hold for a moment, before drifting back to the man he’s speaking with.
Damn, now he’s going to think we’re talking about him. Which we are. But the last thing I need is for him to think I’m interested in anything except his dry cleaning.
I’m not.
I press my thighs together. Fine, yes, if he threw me against the wall and kissed me passionately, I wouldn’t be able to stand afterward, and I’d like a lot more.
But he’s Connor Barrett, and I’m Mia Mancini.
He donates to good causes, and my family destroys societies. Plus, if I have only two weeks left of freedom, spending a night of it tasting the sweet pleasure of a man like Connor would be bittersweet.
Call it self-preservation.
I just can’t.
“Lessons? I think they call thoseteachersprostitutes,” I say, and we share a giggle. “Connor Barrett doesn’t need to pay for sex, I can tell you that.”
“I’m suddenly considering a change in career.” Sienna smirks, then nudges me.
I shake my head and laugh.
“Gotta go,” Sienna says when Donna instructs the teams through our comms earpieces. She shadows Connor around the room as he glides from group to group, cleverly making his way to the exit.
“Hey,” I call out to Sienna, “see you tomorrow night.”
The event is close to finishing, and it’s possible we won’t see each other during the pack-up of a function this size.