Page 114 of The Darkest King
The backslapping andman hugs happen the moment I walk in the door of the Dark Kings headquarters. I had an abandoned warehouse converted into a highly secure space, with an office, kitchen area, punching bag, and pool table.
On the wall is the same CSI-type setup I have at home. Photos everywhere, with white boards where we brainstorm leads.
The biometric security allows entry to only me, Decker, Nathan, and Mack and is under twenty-four-seven surveillance by one of the best security companies in America.
Which I own.
We spent the most time here before the boys went out into the field and began infiltrating the Italian and Mexican mafias.
Damn, I miss hanging out with these assholes.
“Dude. What the fuck are you getting yourself into?” Decker asks, flopping into a chair and twisting the cap off a beer bottle.
Mack makes some, fortunately for him, indecipherable mumble from his leaning spot by the window. Nathan smirks at him.
I can’t decide if they think I’m insane—which is most likely—or their attitude has something to do with Mia. Which irritates me more than I want to admit.
Especially after a long day of not hearing from her. She hasn’t responded to my delivery of roses, and George says she hasn’t left the apartment all day.
Maybe she really is sick.
The magnetic pull to leave and go home to her frustrates me. Tonight is important, and I’m worried her damn PMS?
She never ignores me, so I can only assume she’s angry at my tone. I reacted out of frustration for my growing feelings and fucked up. Big time. Angry Mia isn’t going to be organizing a family catch-up, especially when I haven’t given her a reason for wanting to see them.
That could’ve confused her and was likely a mistake on my behalf. One I need to rectify, reasoning it out with something along the lines of needing to keep up appearances with her father and the media. Which I could’ve fucking said if I stopped thinking about those icy blue eyes and her sweet pussy and how they’re distracting me.
I dropped her a text before climbing out of the car, and now my phone is in front of me, and I feel like a goddamn schoolboy waiting for a reply.
Wait up for me tonight. We need to talk. C
It’s just sitting there with no response. Unread. I’m going to slam my cock into her so damn hard after she’s ignored me all day.
Twice now.
Decker stares at me, waiting for an answer to his question.
“The opportunity fell in my lap,” I say, remembering how Mia had lainonmy lap a few nights ago as I palmed her sweet, tanned ass.
God, she was moist as fuck.
“Direct access to Joe Mancini is not something I was willing to say no to,” I add.
“You couldn’t just fuck her and go to family dinners?” Decker laughs, lifting his foot onto his knee and taking a swig out of his bottle. He looks dangerous as hell in his gangster getup. Black jeans, steel-capped boots, a black shirt open and showing his vast array of tattoos—which are also visible along his forearm where his shirt is rolled up. Dark glasses on his head.