Page 146 of The Darkest King
Ineed to take anotherlook on my own.
Without the panic. Although, that’s debatable. Seeing all the photos on the walls, with so many of them recognizable, it still creates so many different emotions within me. Fear, sadness, terror to a degree, and responsibility.
I need to warn them.
The air is colder in here, and I shiver as I turn and take in the desk where we made love. It’s a total mess, and a small smile hits my lips.
Connor is an incredible lover. Today was different from before. I felt his love in every touch. Did he feel mine?
I want to say it, but who would I be if I agreed to the murder of my own father?
I was born into a mafia family. One of the most powerful. All of them have done terrible things. Should I have to live my life protecting them, paying the price for their sins?
Have to walk away from the man I love because of it?
Everyone has a choice. There are consequences for every action in life.
If I walk away from Connor, I let them win.
I will have to return home and eventually be married off “in the family.”
I know what it means to be loved and adored and protected by a powerful man who will do anything for me. I’m not enough of a gambling woman to give him up and hope it happens a second time.
So, if I do, I need to know love won’t be in my future.
If I choose him, there’s a price to pay. My father’s life.
My eyes cast around the room, and I realize it’s not about whether I can accept that price. It’s about whether I can live without Connor.
The answer is yes. I can.
I will be miserable, but I can live without him.
But for what? To protect a man who is a dark shadow on society. I shouldn’t have to pay the price for his choices.
But I’m not Joe Mancini.
I may be his daughter, but I’m not a killer.
If I marry Connor and sit back and let him kill my father,shouldPapa be responsible, then I’m no better than him.
I can’t live with that.