Page 61 of The Darkest King
Tim runs a hand through his hair and quickly retreats with agot it.
Mack catches my eye as Tim passes, and we share a knowing look. This was never going to be easy, but I hope its fucking worth it.
JUST BEFORE FIVE inthe evening, I climb into the back of a rundown heap of shit. Mack organized it, and there’s a chance I now either own a Toyota Corolla, circa last century, or it’s stolen.
Nathan slides in, pulling his cap low and collar up.
“I’ve got five minutes.”
“Then I’ll get straight to the point. I’m engaged to Mia Mancini. Media will be told in the morning.”
As expected, he jerks his head around, shocked.
“Jesus, Connor. I thought Mia was lying to her family. This is real?” Nathan says. “Explain.”
He knows I never joke about women or the mafia.
“We met a few nights ago, and she told her father we were engaged. The opportunity just fell in my lap.”
“Why the fuck would she do that?” Nathan asks. “I take it the engagement is not legit?”
My brows raise. “Oh, Iwillmarry her. Unless we get the information I want sooner. I doubt it will happen that fast. Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes,” Nathan replies, repeating the Dark King’s motto.
It was the last thing we said that night in the desert, as we all shook hands and agreed on a future we had no clue we were about to create six years ago.
“Mia wants out of the family, and we need to get closer to Joe.” I rub my face. “I need you to know I’ll be visiting with her. She’s moving in tonight. To look legit.”
Nathan watches me, then shakes his head. “Jesus, Connor. Do you like this girl?”
I look away and stare into the front of the dirty Toyota. What I want to say is, she’s a sweet-tasting pussy for the duration of the job. But the words won’t come.
I’m not going to disrespect Mia like that.
It’s true, but I don’t want Nathan or anyone to think I’m using her sexually. I am. But I’m not. We both agreed to the terms, and it’s important Mia continues to believe this is what I wanted from her.
I do.
If I were a better man, I might not touch her. But I’m not and I will.
And I can’t fucking wait.
“She’s an asset,” I reply.
“Fuck, Connor. This is dangerous. I’ve been getting closer. Cade is starting to trust me. What’s our move if we find ourselves in the same place at the same time? They could link us.”
Yeah, fuck. I thought about this overnight. Still, I believe the potential benefits outweigh the risk.
I hope.
Nathan joined the Italian mafia using his real name and identity. His story was he was angry with the U.S. government after being stationed overseas and wanted to stick it to the man and make some real money.
So, they knew he was a former marine. The fact no marine worth his weight would ever dream of joining a mafia seemed to elude them.
As for me, it’s public knowledge I’m a former marine. Every bio and article written about me mentions it. Connor Barrett, entrepreneur and U.S. Marine...blah, blah, blah.
We just needed to make sure they never have cause to link us in any way. Or for any reason.