Page 118 of Dark Surrender
“Oh, please, don’t ask,” Amelia said, throwing her head back.
Aidan grinned.
Logan handed her a glass of wine, and Emma took it, staring at all the faces in front of her, waiting for an explanation.
“Go ahead, wonder boy,” Logan said. “Give her your elevator pitch.”
Emma leaned her hip against the bench and was surprised when Logan moved in closer, putting his hand on her other hip.
She nearly purred.
Amelia smiled, noticing their body language.
“I created a microchip delivery housing which allows companies to use it in technology which was prohibitive before this. Basically, everything.” Aidan shrugged.
“Wow,” Emma said. That was impressive.
“I’m sure that’s mumbo jumbo,” Aidan said. “Basically, I’m a genius.”
Here we go.Another person who thought she had no brains in her head because she was a romance author.
Emma was sick of defending herself.
“I used to represent DataTech when I was a lawyer. I understand more than you think,” Emma said, a little defensively, then wished she could take it back. She knew this was a sore spot for her, but she didn’t need to be a dick about it.
Aidan’s eyes widened a smidgeon. “Impressive. A lawyer.”
“Anda successful best-selling author,” Logan said, rubbing her back.
Emma was pretty sure she had red hearts as eyes, and her cheeks were blushing. She turned her head to his and smiled.
Goddamn it. She was falling fast, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Logan handed his sister the salad, and he poured the sauce over the pasta. Then they all moved to the dining room table and dished up.
“So, how are you feeling after the crash?” Amelia asked. “Do you mind talking about it?”
Emma noticed Logan watching her, his eyes darting between her and his sister. It was as if he was trying to say she didn’t need to discuss it.
“It’s fine. I’m pretty tired and sore, but your brother is doing a good job of looking after me,” Emma replied, smiling. “Even cooking.”
“Never thought I’d see the day. Unless he just heated this store-bought sauce,” Aidan said, peering at it closer.
“I made it, asshole, and yours has something extra in it.” Logan threw a napkin at him.
Emma giggled at them.
At the end of the day, they were just two brothers taunting each other. She began to see a different side of Aidan as the night progressed.
“Trust me, it gets old fast. Now, tell me about your books,” Amelia said. “Which one should I read first?”
“They’re spicy. Very spicy,” Emma said tentatively.
“Perfect. My favorite.”
Cutlery crashed.
“Lalalala,” Aidan cried, pushing his fingers into his ears. “I don’t want to hear my sister talking about sexy stuff.”