Page 131 of Dark Surrender
Of course, she was leaving.
As he’d always known she would.
“Good,” he growled. “So let’s go take care of this business, and then I’ll arrange the plane to take you home.”
After a long thirty-minute drive to a nearby mall during rush hour traffic, Logan parked the Maserati, and they both climbed out.
He was angry but cringed, knowing the walk would be hard on her ankle. Carrying her was out of the question, so he pushed his fury and swirling emotions aside and reached out his arm.
Emma glared at him but took it.
Damn it, he didn’t want her to fucking leave.
THEY WAITED IN LINEat the pharmacy, and Logan pulled out his wallet to pay for the prescription after all the questions had been answered.
He placed his hand on the small of Emma’s back and led her out of the store. When they reached the door, they stood back as a woman in a business dress and high heels came powering through.
Logan’s entire body went on alert, the woman’s eyes meeting his.
She slowed and held his gaze, then glanced down at Emma. Logan’s heart thundered in his chest.
He hadn’t seen her in years.
Like a slow-motion movie, suddenly, the world returned to full speed, and Zoe continued past them.
Logan and Emma walked out the door, and he froze on the sidewalk.
Emma glanced up at him.
“What?” she asked.
Logan’s heart kept beating a million miles an hour. He turned, and Zoe was staring at him.
She looked beautiful.
Like a shiny poisoned apple.
Remember what she’s taken from you.
“Earth to Logan,” Emma said, waving her hand in front of his face. “Can we go? My ankle is killing me.”
Snapped out of his trance, Logan glanced down at her. He wasn’t sure she’d showered; her hair was mussed, and she had no makeup on. Hurt was still rich in her eyes, and yet, she was a million times more beautiful to him than the woman in the store.
A woman who was now a stranger.
“Let’s go.” They walked to the door of the mall, then he leaned down and scooped her up.
“Logan,” Emma cried, slapping him.
“I have a meeting in twenty minutes. I need to speed things up,” he lied.
Logan just wanted to touch her.
And he was pretty sure if he let her go, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.