Page 24 of Dark Surrender
Logan figured out eventually that Delores had played a part in it. It had been over a woman, of course—Margaret. Daniel, Hunter, and Fletcher’s mom.
He wondered how much his cousins knew.
So, no, Logan wasn’t broken-hearted about seeing his grandmother resting in peace.
When Logan’s own marriage had ended, it was all he could do to not throttle her when she started throwing out comments like,Just like your father,or,Kids these days don’t know what true commitment really means.
If only she knew the truth of it.
Zoe had not just cheated on him.
She had been pregnant.
They were going to tell their families the next weekend when he found her in bed with another man.
Thank God, they hadn’t.
When he learned that the baby he’d thought was his for two and a half monthswasn’this, but the man’s she’d been fucking, Logan had been furious.
And fucking heartbroken.
One minute, Logan was happily married to a woman he ‘d loved for most of his life and was about to announce they were starting a family. The next he was staring across the table at a stranger.
A cheating, lying stranger.
Zoe had ripped out his heart, chewed it up, and spat it out.
He had given her forty-eight hours to get out of their apartment. As much as he despised the sight of her, Logan wasn’t going to kick a pregnant woman out on the streets.
Zoe had left the next day, leaving a trail ofI’m so fucking sorry, Logan’sin her wake.
By then, he’d felt dead inside.
He’d drunk a bottle of whisky, thrown three Waterford crystal glasses into the fireplace, and decided he would never trust another woman again.
From there, he spiraled.
Drinking heavily and sleeping very little, Logan had been argumentative with the board members of Dufort Liquor—the company he had started when he left college—and his executive team.
It had not been pretty.
Then news of his divorce went public.
When Logan found himself in a heated and drunken debate with a journalist, it went viral in business circles, and things finally came to a head.
Members of his board threatened to resign or have him removed as CEO, their share price took a huge hit, and his general manager told him their staff turnover was increasing.
His response?
Well, it hadn’t been great.
Aidan, his brother, had been the one to pull him out of it. He’d turned up at Logan’s house, pushed him into the shower, stuffed him into a Tom Ford suit—the last clean one in his wardrobe—then shoved him in the car.
Logan had no idea where they were going until they arrived at a sex club.
His head had whipped around, and Aidan reached out his arm, pointing at the black discrete door. “In here, bro.”
“What the hell?” Logan had asked angrily. “I’m not interested in prostitutes.”