Page 29 of Dark Surrender
“Shut up,” she said, poking her tongue out.
Daniel watched them both, and Logan wondered if Daniel felt the same regret he did about them all being separated for so long.
They’d all had a choice, but none of them had taken the step to reconnect. Sometimes, it was because life got in the way, but mostly, the reason Logan hadn’t was because of the tension between their fathers. It hadn’t been an easy bridge to cross.
Their grandmother’s funeral had been an excuse Logan had grabbed hold of. Without him calling Jonathan, none of Jonathan’s side of the family would have known she had passed.
As they hadn’t when Grandpa had died.
It was fucking wrong.
In his twenties, Logan was still influenced by what his parents thought. Now, in his thirties, he did what he wanted.
“We’re heading to the Hamptons for Labor Day weekend. Would you like to join us?”
Amelia bunched her lips. “I would but—”
“She has a boyfriend,” Aidan said with a smirk.
“I’m not twelve,” she spat back, like...well, a twelve-year-old.
Funny how your siblings made you revert to your childlike state, and these two had always bickered. But if anyone lifted a finger, Aidan would slice that thing off before he let Amelia get hurt.
“If you were fucking twelve, we would’ve beaten the guy to a pulp,” Aidan replied, and Logan laughed.
His point made.
“Damn. Now I wish we’d had a sister,” Hunter said, joining them. Then he glanced at Daniel and frowned. “Actually, delete that. The poor girl would still be a virgin, with a trail of bodies behind her.”
Daniel nodded slowly and sipped his whisky. “Yeah, she would. Much like any daughter I might have.”
“And my two,” Fletcher said firmly.
Logan rubbed his jaw and grinned.
God help them.
Like him, all five of the Dufort men stood over six foot tall, with broad shoulders, solid jaws, and a dominance gained from being raised by powerful and similarly dominant men.
Therefore, Amelia wasn’t a wallflower.
She knew how to manage the men around her. Their father had made sure Logan and Aidan knew they were her protectors, but Andrew had also provided her with tools so she could defend herself.
And that included against her brothers.
Amelia didn’t put up with their shit, and she knew how to manipulate them.
Logan would never forget the first day she’d stood with her hair in pigtails, hands on her hips, and told them to stop bossing her around.
The shock factor had been her winning point.
But showing her inner strength had meant, as little boys, Aidan and Logan had tested her. After that, it had been a hard road for her, but one thing was for sure, the man who eventually won her heart would not have a fighting chance.
Amelia knew her worth and knew her brothers had her back if any man tried to hurt her.
“As appealing as all that sounds,” Amelia said, rolling her eyes, “think I’ll forgo the Dufort testosterone while I visit myboyfriend’sparents this weekend. But thank you, Fletcher.”