Page 32 of Dark Surrender
Shit, shit, shit.
What is Logan doing here?
Unfortunately, Emma had blurted out the question when she’d stepped out of the elevator. Logan was standing beside Daniel, by the helicopter, on the top of the Dufort building. He was wearing a sexy pair of sunglasses and looked like he’d just stepped out of a luxury men’s fashion mag.
Totally fuckable.
How had she not figured this out? Of course, he was here. She was joining the Dufort family vacation—Logan was a Dufort. But Harper had indicated it was just going to be Daniel, Fletcher, Hunter, and their spouses.
Harper had never mentioned the man Emma had spent the most seductive night of her life with.
When she saw Logan’s expression and realized he looked about as thrilled as she did, Emma felt a whole bunch of emotions.
First, she was embarrassed.
Would he think she had planned this? Was stalking him?
She also felt suddenly guilty for invading his family time.
But what could she do? Turn around and say she’d changed her mind? Emma had already changed her flights.
“You remember Daniel’s cousin, don’t you?” Harper said, giving her a strange look. “Of course, you do. Logan dropped you at home.”
“Sure, yes. I just didn’t realize he was joining. Are there enough bedrooms?” Emma asked, to cover up her slip.
“Plenty. Don’t worry. You won’t be sleeping in a tent.” Daniel approached with Logan, obviously overhearing their conversation.
Emma blushed.
Logan played it very relaxed and smiled coolly at her.
“Nice to see you again, Emma,” his voice dark and masculine. But his look said he was about as interested in her as he was a sales assistant at Walmart while buying a pair of shoes.
The chopper fired up, and quickly, the noise cut out any conversation. Daniel took her bag, and Emma was helped onto the bird by Logan.
She avoided eye contact.
Then the two of them spent the entire flight watching Harper and Daniel hold hands and kiss—for approximately forty-five minutes.
Awkward, given the sexual tension still flowing between them. Her eyes had slid onto his legs at one point, exposed in his shorts.
Fun fact: men’s legs were an aphrodisiac, given the right environment. Such as a helicopter ride, where you couldn’t touch the man you’d had five orgasms with a few days ago.
His fingers twitched on his thighs—what was probably her imagination—but Emma believed it was a sign Logan wanted to spin around and fuck her right there and then.
In reality, he was probably just going into caffeine withdrawal.
Forty. Five. Minutes. Of. Insanity.