Page 38 of Dark Surrender
“Dad,” Fletcher replied.
“Yeah. How about we try politics instead?” Hunter drawled.
Fletcher snorted.
“You should probably all hear this. I don’t think anyone except me, Aidan, and Amelia knows.” Logan pulled a steak onto his plate and took the salad from Addison when she passed it. “My father, Andrew, was in love with your mother.”
Daniel’s eyes popped open. “Mom? When?”
“Before we were born. They dated. From what I can gather, it was a very short time. Then she left him after she got to know Jonathan.”
“Christ.” Hunter shook his head.
“Then cheated on her with Jenna. God, he’s an asshole,” Fletcher said, Olivia rubbing his arm.
It certainly was a mess, that’s for sure.
“That was what the fight was about. Well, I don’t know the timing, but when rumors of his adultery found their way back to Dad, he was furious. So was Grandma.”
Logan let that sink in.
“By then, of course, he was married to my mom, and they had me, Aidan, and Amelia,” Logan explained.
“Does Aunty Christine know he was in love with our mother?” Daniel leaned his arm along Harper’s chair, and she relaxed into him.
“Yes. She found out after their fight. After Dad and Jonathan stopped talking. It caused a lot of fights over the years. Jealousy,” Logan shared.
His eyes drifted to Emma, who was looking uncomfortable, and he didn’t like it.
She sliced into her steak, popping the fork into her mouth, andGod,he suddenly remembered the way she’d taken his cock.
Totally inappropriate thoughts, given the conversation, but he couldn’t help it.
When Emma saw him looking, no doubt recognizing the heat in his eyes, she began coughing.
Harper leaned to pat her back.
Logan smirked. He liked that he was undoing her piece by piece.
Maybe this could be fun.
“Anyway, just thought you should all know, now the ice is broken. So to speak,” Logan added.
“Thanks, man,” Hunter said. “I thought it was something like that. Jonathan would never tell us, but it’s totally in line with his behavior.”
“True.” Fletcher lifted a barbeque chicken wing to his mouth. “I’m surprised Mom never said anything.”
Logan nodded. “I don’t know all the details. She stopped dating Dad months before she started seeing Jonathan, from what I’ve gathered, so it appears my father harbored some feelings of rejection, and it just spiraled. Who knows what really happened?” Logan chewed his last mouthful and dropped his cutlery.
Across from him, Daniel picked up his dinner roll. “You’re right. It’s their business, and while it fucks me off that we were separated as kids, what’s done is done.”
“It’s sad, though,” Harper added. “I think it might inspire my next book. All of you coming back together.”
“Harper, you can’t write about everything in my family,” Daniel groaned.