Page 81 of Man Hunt
“I can put you on a commercial flight, but you’ll have to fly to Bozeman and drive from there.”
That would take hours and I had to show my face at the wedding. At least long enough for Farrah’s father to believe it was still a go. Longer than it would take for the truth about the wedding to come out in the tabloids. It would, and fast. Bridget would learn the truth, but alone.
I had to tell her. I had to hug her. I had to know I had a chance.
I gritted my teeth, tried to calm my raging heart. “Put on your to-do list this week to buy a plane.”
“Buy me a fucking plane that I don’t have to share with my brothers.”
I hung up, then did everything I could not to lose my shit.
* * *
I opened the front door to go to the airport but jumped back when Dex stood right there. His finger was poised over the doorbell.
He scanned my body, then whistled. “Looking good, sis.”
I didn’t know what he meant by sis. I had on the red dress Mal had picked out for me. She and Lindy both said I looked amazing in it, but I was barely thinking about my outfit. Ever since I decided to talk to Mav, to listen to him and discover if there was a different truth, I’d been distracted. Eager. Nervous. Hopeful.
What I wore wasn’t going to change whatever he had to say.
His gaze shifted over my shoulder and his entire expression changed. “Hi.”
I turned my head. Lindy was right behind me. Her eyes were on Dex.
Dex stepped back from the doorway, but didn’t stop staring at Lindy. “Going somewhere?”
“The airport,” I said, taking a few steps down the front walk to wait for Lindy and Mallory to come outside and lock up.
“Hey Dex,” Mallory told him. He offered her a finger wave, but still didn’t look away from Lindy. It was as if his eyes were stuck on her.
“Introduce me, Bridge?” Dex asked.
“That’s Lindy, my sister.”
“Dex James,” he said.
“Your brother’s an asshole,” she told him, frowning.
“He is, but he’s not the one you have to worry about. I’m the one who’s going to marry you.”
I started to laugh, because Dex liked to joke, but stifled it when he looked as serious as I’ve ever seen him.
Um, what?
Mallory ran out the door and to my side. “We need to hurry.”
“Marry you?” Lindy asked Dex. “I raised one child. I don’t need to marry another.” Lindy lifted her chin and stared him down.
Dex was much younger than Mav, probably twenty-six or twenty-seven. Closer to my age than his or Lindy’s.
Dex was not deterred by her put down and patted his broad chest. Today he had on gym shorts and a t-shirt for his NHL team. “This isn’t the body of a child.” He leaned toward Lindy. “I’m all man and I’ll prove it to you.”