Page 91 of Man Hunt
I didn’t know it was possible to fall so hard, so fast, but it happened. I hadn’t been looking, but I’d found him. Or he found me. No manhunt needed. Only an iced coffee and a sex quiz.
I wanted all the days with him too. No more running. It was time to stick and look to the future.
* * *
“Did Mav fuck over my sister or not?” Lindy asked, joining me where I watched the doors close on the elevator where her sister and my brother just disappeared.
“Nope,” I told her. We stood side by side, but I turned so her shoulder was against my chest. “He’s one of the good ones.”
She tipped her head back to look up at me. “Wait. You knew?” she practically shouted. “We flew all the way here and didn’t tell us? I can’t believe you made Bridget suffer.”
“Shh, sugar, not so loud,” I said, resting my hand on her arm. Her bare arm that was silky soft and warm beneath my touch.
“Don’t sugar me,” she countered, taking a step back.
I sighed, but tried not to smile. The corner of my mouth twitched from the effort.
“But you’re so sweet,” I countered, although the look she gave me was anything but. “Look. It wasn’t my story to tell. She needed to hear it from Mav himself. Don’t forget she shut down her phone. Mav emailed and called her multiple times.”
She pursed her lips, ones I wanted to kiss so fucking bad. I may have helped Bridget and Mav get together by flying her to Denver, but I had an ulterior motive: to make Lindy Beckett happy.
Because when she opened her front door the other day… Bam!
I’d felt as if I’d been slammed against the boards, had a slapshot to the helmet. Whatever hockey term that had me down for the count because one glimpse of the gorgeous woman and there was no going back.
“Fine, that’s reasonable, but can you tell me now? Please?” she prodded while I stared at her blue eyes framed by ridiculously long lashes. Her pert nose and full lips. All of it I studied and memorized as if it was a new offensive pass in a playbook.
While Lindy didn’t know, she was going to be mine and I’d take out anyone who got in my way until she figured that out.
Yeah, I had it bad. Just like Mav with Bridget. Except while I might be into her, having thoughts about forever and babies, Lindy wasn’t so thrilled with me. For some reason, she thought I was too young. Too… who the hell knew what?
“Sugar, you ask so nicely. I’ll give you anything you want when you beg.”
Her mouth dropped open and her cheeks flushed. Yeah, she hadn’t missed what I was laying down. The way her eyes flared was proof she wasn’t used to a man being a little dominant with her. Or bold.
“They’re back together, right?” Mallory interrupted, sidling up to us with a coffee drink in her hand. She stuck the straw in her mouth and took a deep swig. She believed in the love-at-first-spill-of-coffee between her BFF and my brother.
“Dex was just about to tell me why Maverick broke up with Bridge and then she took him back.” Lindy crossed her arms over her chest, which only lifted up her lush tits, then somehow looked down her nose at me which was impossible since I was at least six inches taller.
My dick got hard–no, harder–at how fucking pretty she was, and her attitude. She’d learn soon enough who was in charge.
“You should aim that anger at your future brother-in-law,” I told her.
“Future… Maverick and Bridget marry? They’ve only been together for a week!”
I wasn’t thinking of Mav being her brother-in-law because of him marrying Bridget. No, it was because I was going to marry Lindy.
I was. I totally was.
I took in her pink toenail polish, her tanned legs that were so fucking long I imagined them wrapped around my waist. No, me holding her ankles against my shoulders as I fucked her. I wondered what color panties she had on beneath the flirty hem of her blue sundress because I wanted to take them off with my tee–
“Well?” she prompted.
“Woman, it’s been two minutes since they took the elevator,” I reminded.