Page 32 of Man Cave
“Trust me, it wasn’t flattering. Not any part of it.” I’d already relived all the late-night fun over and over. “Except my mug shot is better than my driver’s license photo, so that’s a perk.”
“I want to see it.”
“Hell, no.”
“You said you had to pay bail?”
I nodded. “I had no idea you could put it on a credit card. I thought I had to deal with a shady bail bondsman named Carl or something.”
“Your friends couldn’t get you out?”
I shook my head. “Since they were at the craps table, they didn’t see me get arrested, thank God. At the booking center, I was able to leave Alana a message before they took my belongings away, let her know what happened.”
“You swiped your credit card and got out of there?”
I shook my head again. “No one gets out until a hearing before a judge. She set bail.”
“That means you have to go back?”
I nodded. “I have a court date next Tuesday. Bridge, if I’m found guilty, it’ll be a misdemeanor and I’ll have a record. I can lose my teacher’s license and my job and–”
She raised a hand, cutting me off. “That’s not going to happen. Sharks for lawyers, remember?”
I shook my head. “Those are Mav’s people. I can’t let him help. Not only because I don’t have the money to pay for them, but no way can he know about this.”
“This isn’t like your mom being her usual lazy self and you covering their electric bill.”
“Itisexactly the same. I did something stupid, and I won’t have someone fix it for me.”
She sliced a hand through the air. “Unless you’re planning on being arrested again, it’s not the same at all.”
I pursed my lips. Considered, then shook my head. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Mav can’t know.”
“Why not? It’s kind of funny.” Her lips twitched.
I glared. It wasnotfunny. “I could lose myjob. The less people who know about this, the better chance of it not getting around town. Maybe even from gossip alone.”
“Mav’s not going to tell people.” Her tone indicated she was a little hurt I’d even consider him to lack the integrity needed to keep this secret.
“I trust him, but the less who know, the better. Even now, there’s an arrest report out there. Anyone could look and find out what happened.Thatis not gossip.”
“Okay, that’s bad.”
“I have to find the money to fly back and pay a lawyer to represent me, then hopefully get the charges dropped. That’s the best scenario. Me being broke, but no longer a ho. I’ll be happy with that at this point. Broke and unemployed would bereallybad.”
Then I’dreallybe my mother.
She gave me a pitying look. “I’m glad Mav suggested putting that down payment money into investments so it would grow, but now it’s locked up.”
I shrugged, because it was true. Mav knew about me and that house and put me in touch with one of his financial advisors. They’d promised a huge growth on the savings, and I’d been game. But that meant no touching, even now when I could use some of it. It was good in a way, that my down payment I had so far was safe. But I wouldn’t be able to add much more right now.
“So much for buying that cute house you want, right?”
My stomach dropped and it was the first time all day I felt close to crying. I swallowed hard. “Right. I’m not sure how I’m going to swing adding more to the down payment fund now. This is going to set me back months, at least.”
She stood. “For tonight, you’re back home. That’s a start. Want to spend the night?”
I nodded. I was exhausted and in no mood to drive to my apartment.