Page 48 of Man Splain
Eve liked to be watched. I had no doubt that was what was making her squirm right now. I loved knowing this, loved that she wasn’t the shy virgin, but the uninhibited woman who knew what got her hot. This entire cam room fed into her kink.
And mine because I was going to listen to her and jerk off. She’d reduced me to a horny teenager.
Read it to me.
“Silas.”James Hyport, the company’s CEO and founder, called to me as I stood in front of the bank of elevators. A ding announced the arrival of one of the cars, but I ignored it and turned to face the older man.
“May we talk in my office?” he asked.
Our meetings were scheduled in the evenings, rather than during the day. A little unorthodox, but everyone involved in the upcoming merger had the day-to-day running of our two corporations to also handle on top of the negotiations.
He held out his arm indicating I should precede him down the hall. For some reason, I felt like I was headed to the principal’s office for a scolding. I hadn’t been in the mood for one when I was a kid and whatever he wanted to talk about could probably wait.
I was going to be late for my cam time with Eve and that took precedence over everything.
He closed the door behind me and went around his desk. “Please sit.”
I did. I knew, as CEO, that one could learn more from keeping quiet. Maybe I learned that back in middle school and Principal Shemanski. Now she’d been a ball buster.
“I see that the meetings are ending early for the third night this week.”
I nodded. “Yes. We’re starting at three instead of four to compensate. I now have a consistent meeting at seven.” With Eve in the cam room.
It might be eight in Hunter Valley, but I was an hour behind.
“Meeting or porn addiction?”
Shit. Shit!
I wanted to freak out, but I wasn’t going to show my hand. I hadn’t yet in any of the merger talks and I wasn’t going to now with this. Although there was a big difference between negotiating a billion-dollar deal and trying to talk my way out of watching porn. “Excuse me?”
“The porn that you pulled up during the meeting and I assume you’re watching every night at seven.”
What I did with Eve in the cam room might be considered porn to him, but it wasn’t. Not to me. It was me and my woman having fun. There was zero wrong with that. Except that I’d been caught.
“That was–”
He held up his hand to stop me.
“I’ve dealt with your father,” he said, his voice more disappointed than angry. “I knew what he was up to with my secretary and the strip clubs. That was why the sale with him didn’t go through all those years ago. The deal made sense then and it makes more sense now. I want to retire and while my son wants to take over, it’s not his dream. Selling will let my legacy live on and ensure financial stability for generations of Hyports to come.”
Stability? The merger was in the billion-dollar range. That was really fucking stable.
He was in his late sixties, a similar age to what my father would be now, if he lived. He knew as much, or if not more, about how my father’s extracurricular activities affected his work.
I had no interest in his current assistant, especially since he was a man, but I wouldn’t have gone there anyway. The only woman I wanted was Eve.
Thus, the cam time and my obsession with her.
“Mr. Hyport, I assure you–”
With a quick shake of his head, he said, “Don’t. I heard it with him, and you assured me things were different. That his… behavior died with him.”