Page 6 of Sold to the Syndicate
As his body slides across the counter, he collides with all of the items on it, taking everything with him as he falls to the ground on the other side. The sound of him and everything else hitting the ground echoes throughout the small store.
“Frank,” a feminine voice calls from the back of the store, “everything okay up there?”
I can hear the delicate pad of her feet walking towards the front of the store as Frank stands up, obviously disheveled, from behind the counter.
Her eyes widen as she walks around aisle and takes us both in. As if unfazed, she continues to walk towards Frank.
“Everything is fine,” he blurts out through his cracked lip, “Go clean up in the back.”
“Are you sure…,” her words interrupted by his hand crashing across her face.
“I said, go clean up in the back,” he yells at her.
I am in such shock at her lack of reaction to his strike that I almost fail to grab his wrist before he attempts to bring his hand across her face again.
“Go,” I demand as I gesture for her to leave us.
“Fine,” she grabs a bag and stomps towards the front door, “fucking fend for yourself Frank.”
That ass. That mouth. How his strike barely phased her. I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit that from our two short interactions, she intrigues the fuck out of me. She is unlike all of the soft and subservient women I normally meet.
She opens the door and within seconds she is gone.
No longer interrupted, my thoughts are immediately back on Frank.
Using my hold on his wrist, I yank his body back onto the counter. Flipping him onto his back, I press my forearm against his throat while leaning down into his face.
“As I was saying,” my voice low and firm, “we don’t just forget a debt like yours.”
He struggles as I press my body onto him, using my weight to further limit his ability to breathe.
“I will give you this evening, but I need you to understand that we will be back tomorrow to collect. If you don’t have it all, you better have something and a good fucking plan to take care of the rest of it really fucking fast.”
Sliding my forearm from his throat to his chest, “Do you understand Frank?”
He nods back at me.
Gripping his shirt as I lift his body from the counter, “I’m sorry Frank, but I am going to need a fucking answer out of you.”
“I understand.”
“See you tomorrow Frank,” I smile as I release my grip on his shirt, causing his body to fall back to the counter.
Opening the door, I step out onto the sidewalk. Before beginning the walk to my car, I look in the opposite direction to see if the petite blond is still around. No sign of her.
Once back in my car, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see a text from Marco.Vixen’s has been hit.
“Fuck,” I grumble before texting him back.
Be there in thirty. We need to end these assholes.
Fuck Frank. Fuck this shit.
In the past couple of hours I have walked nearly every street in the neighborhood trying to clear my head and calm down. It is not working, because the resounding thought in my head is ‘fuck this.’