Page 55 of Midnight Embrace
“Organic chemistry,” Raul said.
Emma’s eyebrows rose. “Why yes.”
“Can you break into the DEA and find the files on the Mexican drug cartels?”
Emma hesitated, looking at Colin. “I don’t care what you hack into,” he said.
She bent over her keyboard again. “Bring up Jorge Marin de Herrera and put his photo on a split screen. Together with the photo of Brandon Rutherford,” Raul ordered.
In another minute, Emma had done it, and stared. They all stared.
“It’s the same guy,” Toby finally said. “Absolutely.”
“So, when an American businessman shows up in Hamilton’s office with a business proposal, he had some money behind him.” Emma look at Raul.
“The Mexican drug business generates something like forty billion dollars a year,” Raul said. “And a lot of it is recycled through the United States.”
“Wow.” Emma looked troubled. “That’s a lot of illegal money. But we’re not looking at an illegal laundering operation here. We’re looking essentially at investments made in a way that masks the origin. So, I guess, possibly at the behest of a drug cartel?”
“Doesn’t compute.” Toby’s words were slurred. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.”
“That’s it.” Colin clapped his hands and stood up. Toby’s eyes shot open. “It sounds like you guys are running around in circles. Toby’s been through hell and he’s running on fumes right now. And I’ll bet you’re tired too, Emma.”
Emma started to shake her head but Raul interrupted. “Yeah. She’s exhausted. How about we let the two brainiacs continue tomorrow? I think they both need to sleep on it, attack it again when their minds are fresher.”
“I’m not –” Emma began.
Raul picked up her hand, carefully making sure his touch was gentle. “Yes. You are. In the Teams, we’re trained to recognize when the point of exhaustion has arrived, beyond which bad decisions are made.”
What he didn’t say was that SEALS also trained, and trained hard, to be able to make good snap decisions or to take the shot, even well past the point of exhaustion. But it was something they were selected for and had had beaten into them after that. Emma and Toby hadn’t had that training. They were both fried and weren’t going to do anyone any good.
Raul’s mission now was to feed Emma and make sure she rested and relaxed.
And, if the rest and relaxation part included some sex, man, he was up for that. A real bonus. But the important thing was her.
She searched his eyes, nodded.Yes! Fuck yes!
Raul’s dick started happily rising until he realized she was saying yes to being tired, not yes to wild monkey sex, right this very minute.
So, he told his dick to stand down
Well, whether sex was in the cards or not, rest for Emma definitely was.
He put his hand under her elbow and lifted. “Come on Sherlock, time to put away that magnifying glass.”
Emma sighed, tried a tired smile, gathered her things.
“Bye, sweetie.” Toby buried his face in her shoulder. She closed her eyes, held him tight. You could see that they worked well together, two smart people who were unravelling a conspiracy. A conspiracy that pointed in the direction of their work place. It wasn’t going to end well and they both understood that.
Toby finally let go and Emma nodded to Colin. “See you tomorrow.”
“Where?” Raul asked.
They turned puzzled faces to him. In the military you repeated things twice, to make sure they were understood, like when a pilot hands off a plane. Pilot to Co-pilot: You have the plane. Co-pilot to Pilot: I have the plane.
Repeat until it sinks in.
“Where are we meeting? Can I suggest here again? Which is off everyone’s radar. Colin would you be okay with that?”