Page 45 of Midnight Caress
“Sure.” She pulled out her laptop, located the area, and the specific building, and killed the cams. “For how long?”
“I’d say for twenty minutes, memorize the locations and do it again when we have to come out.”
She finished and looked at him. “Done. Now what?”
“Hat,” he said. “Sunglasses, head down without looking furtive.”
“I’ll pretend to consult my cell, then.”
He nodded. “Good girl.”
How stupid of her to feel a rush of warmth in her chest at his words. They meant absolutely nothing. But there it was. She was flooded with feel-good hormones at two words.
He’d memorized the itinerary, but they approached the house in a great loop, his arm around her as they looked down at her switched-off cell. It wasn’t any kind of hardship. Pierce was exactly the right kind of too-tall, so she fit right under his arm. He’d adjusted his stride so his steps matched hers, even though that probably meant shortening his stride. They fell into the sort of rhythm of long-time partners, and not just two people who’d only met the day before.
It was a hot day, but his body emanated even more heat than the sun. It wasn’t unpleasant because she was so stressed, she was cold. Everywhere her body touched his, it warmed her up, down to her bones. She could feel absolute strength coming from him, too. From those strong muscles to the steely will in every cell of his body.
The whole package was sexy as hell. Such a distraction.
As they slithered through hedges and slinked down alleys and dashed across lawns, all she could think about was how attracted she was. How her entire body had turned electric when they made love, sparking electricity wherever he touched her. Her mind—the thing that made herher, what had sustained her all her life—had been switched off, while his touch drove her crazy. Every single thing had been wildly arousing, so that when he finally slid into her, it just upped what was already an almost unbearable state of excitement. She’d come when he kissed her breasts, when his fingers entered her—and when his penis slid into her, it was more of the same, only amped to eleven.
Her legs buckled as she felt heat blast through her system. But she didn’t fall, couldn’t fall, because Pierce had her.
She’d lost track for a second of where they were, but he hadn’t. They stopped outside a side gate surrounded by laurel bushes. On a post was written Parker Road 132, and a list of ten buzzers. “We’re here,” he murmured in a low voice, meeting her eyes.
She nodded as he used a code to get through the gate. There was a charming brick path surrounded by greenery, and they were at the main entrance. He used another code to get into the building and they walked straight to the bank of elevators.
Riley was finding it hard to catch her breath, anxiety like an anvil weighing down her chest. She looked up at Pierce who was totally relaxed. He bent to her. “Almost there,” he murmured in her ear, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Two lovers, absorbed in each other, not a care in the world.
She unlocked her jaw, tried to take in a deep breath and nodded. They were the only ones in the elevator. They were in luck. It looked like the kind of building that would be full of young professionals, and they’d all still be at work at 4 pm.
They got out on the fifth floor and made their way to apartment number 502. The door required a code, and on top of that, Pierce had a key.
Riley’s heart was thundering. Almost there.
The door, which was thick, opened silently and she barely got a glimpse of what looked like a nicely appointed apartment when the door swung shut with a whump, like a bank vault door.
And she was pinned against that door by a heavy, strong body. He was kissing her and kissing her and kissing her. Deep kisses, holding her so tightly it was like he was kissing her with his body, not just his mouth. After a second’s surprise, Riley was with him, every step of the way.
Everything—the danger, the lies, impending war—all of it fell away. Riley could actually feel everything but Pierce just disappear, fade away from the world, and he filled her horizon. Her arms were against that strong, broad back, holding him as tightly as he held her. As if she could pull him against her so tightly she could meld with him.
She half opened her eyes to see what kind of space they were in but she just couldn’t keep them open. With her eyes closed, she could focus on Pierce. On the feel of his muscles against the skin of her arms, the incredible heat his body was pumping out, his hips pressed against hers. He had a huge erection.
When had he developed that? They’d been running for their lives until two minutes ago. Evidently, though, she’d done the same thing, because she was absolutely ready for sex. As if they’d had hours of foreplay.
Some switch had been flipped, and fear had morphed into desire. Instantly. Intensely. As if hot desire were the only thing in her life and nothing else existed.
Her hands were feverishly pulling his shirt off before she even realized she was doing it. One button wouldn’t work its way through the buttonhole and she just ripped it, heard it ping on the floor, and grunted when she felt his naked skin.
She felt it against her own naked skin because he’d gotten rid of the cotton sweater and cotton tank top underneath in an instant. She couldn’t even remember when he did that. He slipped his big hands under her bra to cup her breasts, then just lifted her bra over her head. Nipping the skin of her neck, he unzipped his pants and let them drop, briefs, too, and they wrapped their arms around each other and swayed, chest to chest, skin to skin.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned against her lips.
There was steam in her head but she managed to ask, “What?”
He lifted his mouth from hers for a second. His mouth was red and wet and slightly swollen. Probably hers was, too.
“Pants,” he whispered. “Boots.”