Page 37 of The Escort
“Some women won’t call the police. You know that, Mom.”
There’s a long stretch of silence.
“I’m going to see you soon.” I try to change the subject. “Just a few more weeks.”
“How long have you been doing it?”
So much for changing the subject. “About five years.”
“Why didn’t any of you tell me?”
“You know why and that’s precisely why you shouldn’t be doing it. My God! What if you get hurt or worse? You boys are all I have.” I hear the desperation in her voice.
“We’re not going to get hurt.”
“You don’t know that.” Her tone hardens. “This explains all the bruises and fat lips you boys always have. I know you boys are fighters, but this explains it all. Felix, I want you to stop.”
“Oh, honey.” Her voice cracks. “I’m so sorry.” Her tone softens. “I understand why you feel like you have to do it, but you’re my babies.”
“Mom, we’re not babies anymore. We’re men and can’t sit back and allow another man to do what our father did to you to anyone else. We need it. Do you understand? It helps us to help them.”
“Can’t you do what normal people do and go to therapy?” she asks with a little chuckle.
“Could you see Brett in therapy?” I laugh, glad Mom’s mood has shifted.
Fuck. Brett. He’s going to kill me for this. Mom knows about the escort service, and it’s my fault. I need to stop being intrigued by Chosen, figure out what she wants, and either give it to her or shut her ass down.
I can’t believe she had the gall to visit Mom.
“Did she ask you anything?”
“She had a few questions, but I didn’t answer them.”
“Good. Hey, Mom. Don’t say anything to Brett and Cole about this—”
“I don’t know.” She cuts me off. “I had to keep the secret about what happened the last time you came to visit from your brothers, and now this?”
“I screwed up, but I fixed it. Did what I needed, and I’ll be coming to see you soon. Can you give me a little time to sort this out? Ya know, sometimes keeping a secret isn’t a bad thing.”
“Yes. I know,” she says with a hint of sadness.
Fuck. I’m awful asking her to do this again.
“How do you know her? The reporter?”
“She showed up a few weeks ago, asking about the escort service, but I’m not convinced that’s the story she’s after.”
“What story is she after, then?”
“I haven’t figured that out yet, but I will. I need some time.”
“I don’t want you boys getting in trouble.”
“She’s not going to write about us.”