Page 72 of The Escort
Lix sits in the chair, elbow resting on the table with his hand over his mouth. Deep in thought, he focuses on the slow drip from the sink faucet.
“Lix.” I walk over and touch his arm. “What happened in there?”
“Not now,” he grumbles, pulling away from my touch.
“I was worried. You were gone. It’s like you couldn’t hear me. You were just staring blankly with the gun in your hand. I couldn’t get through to you.”
“Let it go.”
“Chosen, not now.”
I move to the chair across from him and plop my ass on it. What’s going on? Did he know he stumbled into a human trafficking ring? Is that what set him off? Was he holding himself back from killing the guy? Is that why he checked out?
I wouldn’t blame him. Once I understood what was happening, I wanted to kill the man with my bare hands.
Is this the first time Lix has encountered something like this? I’m glad Selina is here. Something needs to be done to help that girl’s sister. It’s beyond my or Lix’s scope.
Selina enters the room, Willa and the girl following.
“I’ll keep in touch,” Selina says to Willa as the girl and Willa walk out the back door.
Lix stands. “What’s going on?”
“Willa is going to get Christina somewhere safe. I have to call this in. I’ll have a unit come out and pick up the scum in the other room. We’ll work on him until we find out about the next drop-off.” Selina turns to me. “Don’t worry. He will be singing by the time I get done with him. We’ll get Christina’s sister. It’s good you called me.” Selina’s attention moves to Lix. “I’ll keep you and Chosen out of it. Willa’s got that covered. So go home. I’ll keep you updated as to what’s going on.”
Lix marches into the other room, picks up his backpack, and leaves.
Selina and I stand watching. The door slams shut.
Selina’s concerned eyes shift from the door to me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. Really. I’m okay. Thanks for coming and for keeping Lix out of this.”
“It was bound to happen. You’re just lucky you had me to call this time. You should be careful with him, Chosen.”
Chapter 28
I run outside. Lix is bent over on the side of his SUV, and he’s puking.
“Lix!” I race over. “What’s wrong?” I set my hand on his back.
He rises, pushing me away. “Leave me alone.” He swipes the back of his hand across his mouth and gets into his SUV.
Screw this! Something happened in there. Something he’s not telling me. I follow him back to his place and rush inside behind him.
He heads straight for the fridge, grabs a beer, pops the cap off, and chugs it.
“Are you okay?” I set my purse on the counter, shaken by the night’s events.
Between walking into a human trafficking ring and almost shooting a man, I can only imagine what he’s going through. I don’t think that’s what made him throw up, though. There’s more to it than that.
He thrusts his fingers through his tousled hair. “Yeah,” he grumbles, slamming the empty can of beer on the counter. “I need something stronger.”
He reaches up in the cupboard, pulls out a bottle of whiskey, and pours himself a glass. He downs the contents in one gulp.
“Fuck!” He picks up the whiskey and sets it back down. “Fuck!” His hand clenches. He hits the countertop before he paces the room.