Page 76 of The Escort
“That’s fucking bullshit.”
“You have to let this go.”
“I can’t. Now that I know the truth, I will do everything possible to get you out of here.”
“No! No!” She taps the table. “Don’t. You need to let it go. Please, Felix.” She taps the table harder. “Promise me.”
“Sorry, Mom.” I stand. “But this is one promise I can’t keep.” I walk out of the room.
“Felix!” Her desperate plea breaks my heart as I close the door.
Chapter 30
I walk into the office. Everyone but Cassie is there, like the last time when Chosen pulled the Lucy Deetman stunt.
Chosen’s eyes meet mine. I smile. Only she knew what I planned to do today, and she delivered.
She got everyone here.
“Chosen stopped by to let us know about the Julia at King Papa’s Pizza,” Cole says, breaking the awkward silence.
“Yes.” Chosen nods, her view sliding around the room. “Selina got the guy to talk. They set up a sting last night. They were there when the delivery showed up. They got Christina’s sister. She’s safe. And they were able to rescue eight other girls.”
“And I was just telling Chosen, Willa called me this morning with the good news,” Brett says, turning to Chosen. “Thank your friend.”
“Officer Starr,” I say, moving into the room.
Cole’s eyebrow rises. “Officer Starr?” He points at me. “Hey, isn’t that the cop who—”
“Yeah, it turns out she and Chosen are good friends,” I explain.
“Really?” Cole grins.
“No coincidences.” I nod, knowing that’ll be the next thing to come out of his mouth.
“You know it, Brother.” Cole chuckles. “Well, I’m happy to hear the news, but”—he stands from the chair—“if I’m going to make it in time to see Mom, I better get going.”
“About that.” I hold up my hand. “I just went to see Mom.”
“What?” Cole’s arms swing out. “It’s my turn.”
“Yeah. Listen…” I slap my hands together. Here we go... “There’s something I need to tell you all.”
The door swings open. “Sorry, I’m late,” Cassie says, rushing inside. “I had an appointment.” She drops her purse on the chair, glancing around and stopping at Brett. “Did I miss something?”
“I’m not sure.” Brett rests his hands behind his head, leaning back in the chair. “Lix was just about to tell us something.”
“Oh.” Cassie lowers into a chair. “Okay. Go ahead.”She waves her hand at me, giving me back the stage.
I scratch my chin, unsure how to start. I sneak a peek at Chosen. Her eyes lock with mine.
“Well?” Cole’s arms come out in the air again. “What is it?”
I stare at my brother, mouth dry and throat tight. The words trapped in my gut. How do I tell them?
“The other night,” Chosen says, taking the stage from me. “When Lix went out on that escort call, something happened.” She glances at me.
I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be. So waiting for the courage, I take the cowardly way out. I remain silent.