Page 22 of Legend
“More?” Savage asked.
“Yeah, Chains showed up at my house this morning. He figured out that I was working for Spider and that he wasn’t on the up and up. He wanted to find out who Spider worked for, and he held me and Gen at gunpoint,” Myles said.
“Shit, I’m sorry, man,” Savage said. “I didn’t mean for something like that to happen. Are you guys all right?” They were now. Gavin had spent the whole day with Genesis while Myles met with his CO and filled him in on what went down. He wasn’t allowed to talk to a lot of people about Spider and his mission to bring down the Ghosts, but he knew that his commanding officer could keep things quiet. By the time he got out of meetings with his CO, Gavin had convinced Gen that everything was going to be okay, even if she didn’t seem to believe him fully. Myles convinced them to leave early and head into Savage Hell with him, to talk to Savage.
“We will be,” Gavin answered.
“We weren’t hurt, but Spider showed up just in time to take down Chains. He shot him in my foyer and then asked us to leave so his team could clean up the mess and get rid of the body. He wants to keep things quiet so that he doesn’t blow his cover.”
“That figures,” Savage said. “He’s been working to bring down the Ghosts for so long, he doesn’t want to give up all that work now.”
“Yeah, that’s what he said. I just hope that he’s not in over his head,” Myles said. “What happens when the Ghosts find out that Chains was killed in my home? Will they come for us?”
“I won’t let that happen,” Spider said from behind him. The guy really had mad skills when it came to sneaking up on people. “I thought that I’d find you guys here and I wanted to fill Savage in on what was going on. Everything has been cleaned up over at your house, Legend. And as far as the Ghosts know, Chains was taken out by a rival gang who hasn’t come forward yet. Of course, no one will since I was the one who killed him, but it’s a cover story that they’ll buy.”
“What will happen now?” Myles asked.
“They’ll move on,” Spider said. “The Ghosts will put someone else into power, to take over for Chains, and sooner or later, they’ll forget all about him. It’s the way things work with them. They have a high turnover rate and don’t really ask a lot of questions.”
“What will that mean for you?” Savage asked Spider.
“It means that I’ll maintain my cover and hopefully still bring down the whole organization. It seems to get harder and harder to do with every turnover though. I’m hoping that whoever the new guy is makes more mistakes than Chains did. I need something more to go by to close down the Ghosts. If I have my agents raid the warehouse and free the women being held there, the Ghosts will just regroup and relocate. I need something to bring down the entire trafficking ring so that they can’t come back.”
“Well, if anyone can do that, it’s you, man,” Savage said. “It’s good to have you back, Spider,” he said.
“Good to be back, man. Listen, I’m going back in, so I won’t be around too much from here on out, but I just wanted to thank you for sending Legend in to help me,” Spider said, patting Myles on the back.
“Not a problem,” Myles said. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“Thanks, Legend,” Spider said, “and sorry for this morning. I hope you’re okay now,” he said, looking over at Genesis.
“I am,” she admitted. “It took me a while to get over seeing a dead man laying on the floor of our home, but I’ll survive. Besides, I have these two to keep me safe. What more could a girl want?” she asked.
“Not a thing,” Spider agreed. “See you all around,” he said, leaving the bar as quietly as he had come in.
“On that note, I’ve got to get back to my office and put in my liquor order for next week. You guys good?” Savage asked.
“We are,” Myles said, looking between Gavin and Gen. “Thanks, Savage.” He watched as Savage disappeared and took both Gen and Gavin’s hands into his own. “Are you both good?” he asked.
“I think that we are,” Gavin said, looking at Gen. She nodded and smiled back at the both of them.
“So, what’s up next?” Gen asked.
“What do you mean?” Myles asked.
“Well, you two seem to like to keep me on my toes. I’m wondering what’s up next for the three of us,” she said.
“I don’t know about Myles, but I was hoping that we could talk about something more long-term,” Gavin said. “I want something like Savage has with his husband and wife.”
“Husband and wife?” Genesis questioned. “How does that work?”
“They had a commitment ceremony,” Myles said. He had asked Bowie about it when he was trying to figure out his own life. That was the night that he met Gen and Gavin, and everything changed for him. He had found exactly what he was looking for, or in this case—who he was looking for.
“How about it?” Myles asked. “You two want to get married and talk about starting a family?” he asked.
“I’m in,” Gavin said. “Gen?”
She looked between the two of them and smiled her beautiful smile once again, giving them her shy nod that Myles had come to know and love. “I’m in too,” she agreed. “I love you both so much, I never thought that I’d be with two men, and be this happy, but you two do that for me—you make me happy.”