Page 8 of Legend
He had had a shit day at work, having to stay later than he wanted and getting to the restaurant late. He had gotten the three of them a table and was watching the front door like a lion watching for his prey. He wanted to get the night started but Gen and Myles were late.
When they walked through the door, hand in hand, his stomach did a little flip-flop. From the slight blush on Genesis’s face, and her swollen lips, they had gotten the night started without him. “Hey guys,” he said, standing from the corner booth. He kissed Gen’s cheek and then did the same with Myles. He liked that the gesture didn’t seem to phase either of them.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t get the chance to pick you up with Legend,” Gavin said. “Work got the best of me today and I had to stay late.”
“You really need to start calling me Myles instead of Legend. We aren’t on base right now, Gavin,” he reminded.
“Of course, Myles,” Gavin agreed.
“I understand,” Genesis said. “Sorry, I didn’t see your message. I was getting ready and forgot to check my phone.”
“Well, you missing my message was worth it,” he said. Gavin looked her over and whistled like a loon. “You look hot.” Myles rolled his eyes at him, and Gen giggled.
“Thanks,” she said, “you look hot tonight too,” she said. She seemed a bit nervous tonight, not at all like the sexy hellcat who went after Myles at Savage Hell the other night. He had to admit, he liked Gen a little unsure of herself and when he complimented her, he loved the blush that covered her cheeks. He wondered if she blushed all over when she was turned on, but he was getting ahead of himself. Hopefully, that would be something that he could find out later if Genesis and Myles were both game.
“You look sexy as hell too, Myles,” Gavin said, pulling his hand into his own.
“Thanks, I have to agree with Gen, you look hot as hell, Gavin,” Myles returned.
“Now that we got that out of the way, how about we eat?” Gavin asked. “I’ve ordered some hors d’oeuvres for the table and they should be out any minute. I’ve also ordered two bottles of wine—one white and one red since I didn’t know what you both liked.”
“I’d love a glass of white,” Gen said, sliding into the booth. She would be right where they wanted her—between the two of them. Tonight was turning out better than he had hoped, but he didn’t want to go jinxing things now by saying so.
“I’ll take a glass of red, but don’t be offended if I order a beer too. Wine really isn’t my jam,” he said.
“Didn’t you say that you used to live in California?” Gavin asked.
“I did,” he agreed. “But I didn’t live in wine country. I lived in Southern California, by the beach.”
“I thought you gave off beach vibes,” Genesis gushed, sipping her wine.
“Yeah—I’m a surfer and all. I guess that’s why the guys at my club have such a hard time accepting me. They’re hard core where I’m a lot more laid back when I need to be.”
“I can see that,” Gavin agreed.
“How about you, where are you originally from?” Myles asked him.
“I’m originally from Connecticut, but I’ve been down here for almost seven years now.” He moved to Alabama when he enlisted and was stationed at the arsenal. He lived on base, which he hated, but he hoped that one day soon, he’d be able to buy a house in town close to work.
Gavin was sick of living the bachelor life on base with the rest of the guys. He was ready to settle down and find someone, or in his case, two someones to spend his life with. He just never imagined that he’d ever find that reality in Huntsville, Alabama, or with two other people who worked at Redstone.
“Do you have any family around here?” Genesis asked.
“Not around here,” Gavin said. “My mom and dad live in Connecticut still. They don’t really like to travel, so I don’t see much of them unless I go home. My brother, Griffin lives in Tennessee, and I see him a few times a month. I either go up there or he comes down here. I have to admit, there’s more to do in Nashville than here.”
“Right, and a lot more trouble to get into up there too,” Myles said. “Although, I’ve only been to Nashville once since moving out here.”
“Yeah, it can be a lot of fun,” Gavin fondly said.
“I’d love to go some time,” Gen said. “I’ve never been to Nashville.”
“Well, if you need a tour guide, I’d be happy to oblige,” Gavin offered.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Genesis agreed. God, he was an idiot. Here they weren’t even done on their first date, and he was offering to take her away on a trip to Nashville. He was going to scare Gen away before he even got his chance with her and Myles.
“How about you, Gen?” Myles asked as if able to read the internal dialogue that was running through Gavin’s head. “Do you have family in the area?”
“My mom passed away a few years ago,” she said.