Page 21 of Love on Target
Together, she and her cousin returned outside, then made their way to a small brick building set back from all the others.
“This is the blasting shack,” Theo said, waving his hand toward the building. “We keep all the blasting supplies here, and it’s where we make charges when needed. There’s a place in Baker City that’s been making dynamite for the area mines and where we get most of our blasting materials.”
The enormity of what she was about to do hit Rena all at once. She’d never touched anything more explosive than gunpowder. Could she really learn to set blasts and work at the mine? Was she endangering the lives of those who would work with her as well as the other miners by even trying to do the job?
Theo seemed to think she was capable of handling the work. She just hoped she didn’t prove him wrong or kill them both in the process.
“Are you okay?” Theo asked, setting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. The feel of it encouraged her, and she inhaled a calming breath. The smell of the mine wasn’t what she expected, but she supposed she’d grow accustomed to the odors, some of which were created by all the machinery used to process the gold they took out of the mountain.
She’d learned from Theo there were many successful mines in the area, but the largest was further up the mountain.
Rena glanced at her cousin, straightened her spine, and did her best to offer a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, Theo, but thanks for asking. How about you show me what’s kept in the blasting shack?”
He gave her a tour of the building that was mostly packed with crates of explosives. By the time he finished, Ike arrived and went over his expectations of Rena for the day. It seemed he wanted her to watch and observe before she attempted to do anything on her own. He discussed what areas he wanted blasted that day with Theo, then turned to Rena again.
“Harry is the best in the business, so learn all you can from him,” Ike said before he hustled off toward the mill where the ore was processed.
“We can start loading a cart,” Theo said, stepping outside with Rena right behind him.
He waved to a man who walked with a limp, wore a patch over one eye, and was missing two fingers when he held up a hand in greeting.
“I see you brought a new one for me to train, Theo. Is this your cousin?” the old man asked as he ambled up to them. He removed the hat he wore, and Rena tried not to laugh at the tufts of white hair that stood up in random spots on his otherwise bald head.
“Harry Vellman, meet Rena Burke.” Theo made the introduction. “And yes, she is my cousin. She’s already met Cade and Ike. Ike’s instructions were for her —”
“To watch and observe,” Harry interrupted and winked at Rena. “It’s what he tells everyone on their first day. Come on, girlie. I’ll teach you all you need to know about explosives while Theo loads the cart. Shame a female as pretty as you will be as filthy as a beggar’s foot by the time the day is through.”
Rena wished she’d brought a tablet and pencil to jot down notes as the old man gave her a brief history of mining and blasting, the types of explosive devices he’d used, and what this particular mine preferred. He showed her how to make a stick of dynamite, set off a few small charges that blew stumps out of the ground just so she could see how different types of explosives worked, and cautioned her to be careful or she’d wind up looking exactly like him.
“Heaven help us all if you do,” Theo whispered in passing, making Rena swallow a fit of giggles. She wasn’t sure if her humor was from the nerves she tried so hard to suppress or the need to focus on something beyond the sheer terror flowing through her at the thought of making a mistake that could kill someone.
By the time she’d gone down into the mine with Theo, Harry, and two other blasters introduced to her as Kent and Walker, she was as jittery as a canary encircled by hungry felines. The mine was dark, dank, too warm, and nothing like she’d expected.
She leaned over Theo’s shoulder, watching as he and Harry worked quickly, carefully, and efficiently. When the blast was set, Harry bellowed “fire in the hole” three times as they hurried from the tunnel where they were blasting. When the blast discharged, Rena was completely unprepared for the noise, the smells, and the feeling that the entire world was shaking around her.
“And that’s how it’s done, girlie.” Harry grinned at her, showing off a gap in his smile where two teeth were missing.
Nerves jangled, and feeling on edge, Rena couldn’t eat a bite of her lunch. While Theo ate her ham and biscuit and munched on ginger snaps, Rena went for a walk to try to clear her jumbled thoughts. She remained in view of Theo and Harry, who sat on stumps in the shade.
When Theo motioned for her to return, she drew in a bracing breath of air, which held a hint of Christmas from the fragrance of the evergreen trees all around her, and walked back down the hill to him.
The afternoon went relatively well, and Harry explained every step a second time when they returned to the mine and set a blast in a different tunnel than the one they’d been in earlier.
She clamped her hands over her ears and closed her eyes when the blast detonated, ready for the feel of the mountain rumbling beneath her feet.
At the end of the work day, Harry patted her shoulder and gave her an approving look. “You did good, girlie. I’ve had full-grown men who didn’t last a day, running off with their tails tucked between their legs. If you ain’t too scared to come back, we’ll see you in the morning.”
Rena merely nodded, exhausted even though she hadn’t technically done more than helped push a cart loaded with explosives into the mine and handed Theo some tools when he asked for them.
However, between the blasting and drilling, the stamp mill creating an unearthly racket, ore cars squeaking and squawking, and the noises made by both men and animals, she needed some peace and quiet.
She and Theo returned their lunch pails to the cookshack, saddled Thomas and Scout, then headed for home.
Theo seemed to sense her need for silence as they rode away from the mine. It wasn’t until they were almost to the path that led to the cabin that Theo finally spoke.
“Well, how was your first day at the mine?”
Rena roused herself from her half-sleeping state and looked over at Theo. He was covered in dust and grime but still looked like he had plenty of energy to spare. “It was loud, smelly, and much bigger than I thought it would be, and I had no idea it was so warm inside the mine.”