Page 31 of Love on Target
Rena remained silent as Theo stopped the wagon in front of a red brick building with a sign out front that advertisedSamuelson’s Explosives.
“Want to come in or wait here?”
“If you don’t mind and think we have time, I’d like to visit a friend I made when I was passing through.”
Theo nodded. “Sure. I figure it will take at least an hour to load the crates and complete the paperwork. Meet me back here at four.”
“I’ll be here. I’m going to the dressmaker’s shop and then the mercantile. I may stop by the bakery before we leave and buy a few cinnamon buns if they have any left.” Rena jumped off the wagon seat and straightened her jacket, then poked a few loose pins in her hair. “Have you ever tried them?”
“I haven’t, but I’d be happy to sample one. Have fun, Rena.”
“Thanks, Theo.” She waited for a wagon to pass, then crossed the street and tried to remember where Maggie MacGregor’s dress shop was located. She turned down a side street, strode around the corner, and felt a spurt of anticipation when she saw a display of dresses in a shop window across the street.
A bell jangled when she pushed open the door and walked into the shop. Rena hadn’t set foot inside a dress shop in years. Although she and her mother had made their own clothes, on occasion, they’d gone inside one just to admire the latest fashions.
Today, though, Rena fully intended to purchase a few things from Maggie.
“Good afternoon. Welcome to …” Maggie’s greeting turned into a squeal of delight as she hurried from the back of her store and gave Rena a welcoming hug. “Rena! I didn’t expect to see you back so soon. I’m so happy you’re here. What brings you to Baker City?”
“My cousin helped me get a job at the Gilded Pine Mine. We came on the afternoon train to pick up a load of dynamite and haul it back up the mountain. Theo said I had an hour to do whatever I liked before we need to leave, so I came straight here.”
Maggie was obviously working to keep her jaw from dropping open in shock. “You are a blaster at a mine?” She spoke so slowly, as though the words had a foul taste to them, that it almost made Rena giggle.
“I am. It’s not as terrible as it sounds, and the pay is good, which is why I want to buy a few things. I’d like to purchase a new shirtwaist or two and a decent hat. Something I can wear now through the summer season. Do you have anything in stock?”
“Of course, Rena. Let’s see what we can find that you like.”
Maggie took her measurements, and in less than ten minutes, Rena found herself in a dressing room, trying on half a dozen shirtwaists. She chose one in a pale shade of yellow with a sailor collar accented with navy blue piping, and another that was the color of ripe peaches with a high lace collar and lacy cuffs. The hat she selected was of fine quality. The base was straw, but Maggie showed her how to change the bows and flowers to make it look like a different hat. She also purchased a pair of lace gloves and a pair of white silk stockings, although heaven only knew why she felt the need to have them, but she did.
“I think that’s enough splurging for one day,” she said, then fingered a belt she could wear with any number of things and added it to her purchases.
“I’m so pleased I had some things you liked,” Maggie said as she folded tissue paper around each item.
Rena laughed as she paid Maggie. “I like far too many things in your wonderful shop, but this will do for today.”
“If you ever decide you’d like to wear a skirt, I have one that matches the sailor shirtwaist you chose.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Maggie. Thank you.”
Rena didn’t feel a need to explain why she wore trousers, and Maggie didn’t seem compelled to ask. That was one of the reasons Rena considered her a true friend.
With a glance at the clock on the wall, Rena gathered the parcel Maggie had wrapped for her, then hugged the woman. “Thank you for everything.”
“Thank you for coming in, Rena. I hope to see you again. Promise you’ll be careful on the trip to the mine.”
“I will.”
Maggie scribbled something on a piece of paper and pressed it into Rena’s hand. “That’s my address. If you think of it, I’d appreciate a note letting me know you made it back to Holiday unharmed.”
“I’ll do that, Maggie. With the train service running as quickly as it does between here and there, expect a note to arrive soon.”
Maggie waved as Rena rushed from the store and made her way to Mr. Miller’s mercantile. He was busy helping a customer but smiled in recognition when she stepped inside.
Rena didn’t tarry long, seeking out the items she wanted. She was on her way to the cash register when a display of quilts caught her eye. Especially one made from pink and white fabric. Gabi would love it, and it would be a perfect birthday gift for the little girl. She added it to her purchases, then greeted Mr. Miller with a smile.
“Miss Burke, isn’t it?” he asked as he rang up her items.
“Yes. How are you, Mr. Miller?”