Page 45 of Love on Target
When she opened them, nothing looked familiar, until she recognized the floral wallpaper in one of the spare bedrooms at Josh’s house. She started to sit up, but a hand on her shoulder held her in place.
She looked up to see Josh sitting beside the bed.
“Hi, sleepyhead.”
“Hi,” she whispered. Her mouth felt like she’d been chewing cotton, and her ears were still ringing.
Josh held a glass of cool water to her lips. After taking several sips, she rested back against the pillows. “How did I get here?”
“Well, when you fainted in my arms, I hollered at Doc to meet us here at the house. He thinks you need to rest for a few days. I happen to agree. Theo thinks you are completely and utterly exhausted, which is the diagnosis Henley, Anne, and Cora Lee have all shared.”
“How’s Gabi? Is she unharmed?” Rena started to sit up again but felt too tired to do more than look toward the doorway.
“Other than a scraped knee and a few stickers in her hands, and her ruined dress, which is what she talks about most, she’s well. I swear, between the two of you, you took ten years off my life yesterday.”
“Yesterday?” Rena glared up at Josh. “How long have I been here?”
“Getting close to twenty-four hours. Doc said to let you sleep as long as you would. Like I said, Henley, Cora Lee, and Anne have all been by to check on you. You’ve been asleep since I carried you in here. Henley cleaned you up, and Anne brought over the nightgown you’re wearing.” Josh brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “Gabi slept like a log last night after she had a bath and some soup Edith delivered for supper. She was up and going this morning like nothing had happened. She’s been asking about you, though, Rena. If you don’t mind, I’ll bring her in to see that you’re awake.”
“I’d like that, Josh.” Rena fought to keep her eyes open. They felt so heavy, now that she knew she could rest. “I truly would have done anything to bring her home.”
Moisture filled his gorgeous blue eyes, and he lifted Rena’s hand in his, tenderly kissing the bruises on her knuckles from where she’d slugged Claude. Instead of letting her hand go, he held it to his cheek and leaned closer to her. “That’s one of the many reasons I love you, Renatta Burke. When you feel strong enough to get out of this bed, I have a few questions for you.”
Rena smiled. “I might have a few answers to those questions, Josh. Now, go get our girl so I can give her a kiss and hug before I fall asleep again.”
Joshmadehiswayupstairs on silent feet. Theo was sitting at the kitchen table, drawing pictures with Gabi. Cora Lee had sent in food with Jace, who was standing in the parlor talking to R.C. Milton.
It seemed the good folks of Holiday were ensuring he and Rena had adequate chaperones while she was under his roof. For the past three days, it seemed like a never-ending stream of visitors had been in and out of his home. Earlier that morning, the owner of the Gilded Pine Mine had even stopped in and left a bouquet of wildflowers for Rena along with her last week of pay.
Theo had taken Cade up to speak to Rena. Josh didn’t know what was said, but Theo had later informed him Rena would no longer be working at the mine.
That tidbit of news had made Josh quite pleased. He’d accepted the fact that if he wanted Rena in his life, then he had to take her exactly as she was, and that included her work at the mine if that’s what she wanted to do.
The day Gabi had disappeared, he’d spent that night sitting up, alternating between Gabi’s room and the room where he’d carried Rena when she’d fainted in his arms. He’d been terrified she was hurt, but Doc had checked her over and said he thought she’d pushed her body beyond endurance.
Rena was one who would always push limits, do the unexpected, and keep her spirit free.
Josh had realized in the midnight hours as he’d sat beside her bed, watching her sleep, that it wasn’t up to him—to anyone—to change Rena or to try to tame her. She was as wild as the wind, and that was just one of the multitude of reasons he loved her.
When Theo explained what had transpired at the mine the day Gabi had disappeared, Josh had to sit down before his legs collapsed beneath him. Not only had he come close to losing his daughter, but he’d also nearly lost Rena. The thought of either tragedy was more than he could bear.
He loved them both fiercely and completely and needed them in his life.
Rena had taught him so much about acceptance, forgiveness, hope, and love. They were lessons he’d never forget, not as long as they lived.
And he hoped they’d live many, many happy years together.
All he needed to do was convince Rena to marry him.
He stopped at the open bedroom door, pleased to see her up and dressed in the clothes Theo had retrieved for her from the cabin yesterday. She stood by the window, looking out at the beautiful June day, with that glorious mass of hair spilling over her shoulders and down her back. Rena might not be like any other woman he’d ever met, but he loved her all the more for it.
“It’s good to see you out of bed, Rena,” he said, leaning against the wall just inside the door.
She glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. “It’s good to be out of bed. I believe you said when I was strong enough to get out of bed, you had some questions for me.”
“I did say that, didn’t I?” Josh pushed away from the wall and walked across the room. When he reached Rena, he took both of her hands in his, then kissed her cheek. “You are so beautiful, Rena.”
She blushed and tried to look away, but he caught her chin in his hand and gently turned her face until her gaze met his. “My first question is do you love Gabi?”