Page 118 of Summer's Gift
“We’re both worried about the same thing. But we’re also both holding on to the other. That’s what matters. It’s not about the office space or how many days we spend here or there. It’s about us making each other a priority,” Summer said.
“I can do that.”
Summer put her hand on his cheek. “I can, too. No matter how much my grandfather grumbles.”
“I’m more worried about your mom.”
“She’s newly married. She’ll be happy for at least another six months.”
“So are you going to Texas with Summer when she’s due back?” Brooke asked.
Cody nodded. “That’s the plan. I spend Monday to Wednesdaywith her in Texas. She spends Thursday to Sunday here with me. We’ll alternate weekends depending on what’s going on with family here or there.”
“I hope you both have frequent flyer miles.” David held up his beer to them.
Summer put her hand over Cody’s on the table. “It’s about finding balance between our two lives.”
“And not sleeping alone,” Cody added. “You got up earlier than usual this morning and I couldn’t sleep without you.”
“I noticed when you found me in the office.”
He’d wanted to drag her back to bed with him. “Your grandfather ruined the plans I had to show you what a good morning it could be.”
Summer chuckled. “With him, there’s always something that can’t wait and needs my attention.”
Cody shook his head. “He’s afraid you’re going to leave him.” The second he said it, he realized Brooke had been right. He was so desperate to find a way to make this work because he feared Summer would leave him for her job.
“I care about the company and the people who work there. I can’t just leave it behind, Cody.”
“I know. And I understand what that means for us. Though things might get a bit more complicated when we have kids.”
Summer’s eyes just about popped out of her head. “What?”
“You heard me. I’m not saying now. But someday. Soonish. You want a family. I want one. I’m just putting it out there.”
“Don’t you think you shouldput a ring on itfirst?” Brooke said.
“Soonish,” David added.
Cody picked up his beer and held it out to Summer. She clinked it with her wine glass, both of them grinning and sharing a look that said it all. Yes. Soonish.
Because they still had a way to go before the I do’s and a baby shower.
But things were definitely headed in the right direction. Cody felt he had learned from his past mistakes in relationships, and this one would go the distance. Because that’s what he wanted: a life with Summer.
Chapter Forty-Two
Cody pushed open the heavy wood door and walked into the foyer, stopping short so he didn’t collide with Natalie. “Are you on your way out?”
“No. I was waiting for you.”
He closed the door and stared down at Nat, who looked up at him expectantly. “What’s up?”
“Summer’s not here.”
“I know. She left first thing this morning.” She’d been up before dawn to catch her flight to Texas. He hadn’t heard from her all day.
He’d hoped they’d have this last week to finalize their plans for her return to work. Instead, she’d been suddenly called back home to handle an emergency: an acquisitions deal she’d been working on nearly two weeks. It was only supposed to be an overnight trip, but he worried once she was there, she’d give up the last of her vacation here without them having a solid plan in place for how they’d continue their long-distance relationship.