Page 48 of Summer's Gift
“Sutherland Industries sent something to Miss Weston. She’s using your office.” Brenda’s eyes darted from him to his open office door and back again. “Nate said she could while he finished his own meeting.”
Now he understood what had her so frazzled. He didn’t like people in his office without him or Brenda present because of the sensitive information he dealt with. “It’s fine. I don’t mind if Summer uses my office while she’s here. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes in to work from here from time to time.”
“Mr. Sutherland called several times this morning trying to reach her through Nate’s office. No one knew anything about her, or her connection to Nate.”
Cody understood exactly what Brenda was saying and what she and everyone were wondering about. Nate was going to have to spread the word that he had another daughter.
“She was busy this morning and not answering calls. I’m sure Mr. Sutherland figured the next easiest way to contact her was through her father here at the office.” Deciding that was enough information to put out on the grapevine without really saying anything confidential or personal about Nate and Summer, he changed the subject quickly. “Who’s holding? Anything I need to take?”
“Actually, that’s Miss Weston. She’s using all the lines at the moment. Is she a lawyer or businesswoman of some kind? She’s been issuing orders and talking nonstop since she went into your office.”
“She’s Charles Sutherland’s granddaughter and his right hand. He wasn’t expecting her to take a sudden vacation, so he’s probablygot some urgent matters to talk to her about while she’s out of her office.”
“Oh. Well. It’s just...”
“I thought you and the others worked hard. That woman’s on a mission.”
No doubt. In the little time he’d spent watching her at Sutherland, he’d learned one thing for sure: Summer was exceptionally competent and smart. He had no doubt Charles was feeling her abrupt absence.
“Like I said, she might be here on and off over the next few weeks. You and the others should assist her with anything she needs.”
“Of course. The Parkington guys are coming off the elevator. Shall I ask them to wait?”
“Give me a few minutes.” He went into his office and closed the door behind him.
Damn, Summer took his breath away. No wonder those two finance guys were talking about her. She looked like a million bucks in that dress.
“Listen to me, Roger. I know my mother is upset. I know this is supposed to be a happy time for her. I’m sure you can understand my perspective in this. I’m the one who’s been hurt. She was wrong to do what she did, and now she’s going to have to live with the consequences of what she’s done.”
Cody watched her rub her fingers above her eye in a gesture he was tired of seeing her do. He knew that headache still bothered her. And she was still dealing with her mother through Roger, the newest husband.
“I’m sure the party will be lovely. She’ll have no trouble putting together a fabulous spectacle for everyone attending.”
Cody walked right up to her as she stood behind his desk, phoneto her ear, distress written all over her face. Dropping his files and phone on his desk, he stepped behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, squeezed, and dug his thumbs into the knotted muscles in her neck. It felt like her whole body sighed with relief, so he kept doing it.
“I’m not coming home until I’m ready, Roger.” A second later, she added, “She doesn’t need me at the party.”
Summer continued to listen to what Cody understood was a major guilt trip on Roger’s part. It wasn’t hard to see why Roger wanted to make his new bride happy, but it was at Summer’s expense. Cody didn’t like it and wanted to snatch the phone away and hang up.
It was enough already.
Couldn’t they accept Nate was her father and she had a right to stay as long as she wanted to get to know him?
“We’ve got a date for the benefit next Friday,” Cody interrupted. His gut tightened when she turned her head and smiled up at him.
“Roger, I have people holding. Tell my mother I’m staying in Carmel with my father. As always, I wish her all the happiness in the world.” She hung up with a brisk good-bye and frowned at Cody over her shoulder. “Sorry I took over your office.”
“Not a problem. Get rid of those calls so I can have two minutes with you before I boot you out of my office for my next meeting.” He kept up the massage and smiled at her. She could stay as long as she wanted as far as he was concerned. In fact, he was happy with her right here beneath his hands.
Working his phone like a pro, she used the intercom to ask his assistant if the printout had finished.
She tapped one of the red lighted lines. “Amanda, I’ve got the document. I’ll go over the proposal and email Charles with my assessment. You’ve got my Carmel address. Send everything there. You can reach me on my cell. And tell my grandfather I’ll pick up,but it better be important.” She hung up. “I swear, Cody, I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.”
Sitting back against his desk, he drew her between his thighs, her back to him. Rubbing at the base of her neck, he said, “Take a breath, Summer.” Instead of doing that, she punched the next line on the phone. She did lean into him and relaxed against his thighs as he massaged the tight muscles in her shoulders. He wanted to touch her, but more, he wanted to make her feel better.
“Tony, thanks for holding. I’ve got the proposal. Give me a couple of days to go over it, assess your figures and the project itself. Charles is very interested in working with your company, but until now the timing and financing haven’t worked out and the development ideas haven’t lived up to the original idea. I’m interested in your company’s take on the execution of the product, keeping in mind the quality standards Sutherland Industries has in place for all its products and how that will impact the proposed production costs and final consumer price.” She listened for a moment. “Yes. Absolutely. I’ll keep in contact with you. You can reach me on my cell, since I won’t be in the office for a few weeks. Charles and I will work over the proposal and have an answer for you next week.”