Page 75 of Summer's Gift
Maybe it wasn’t right to use Natalie’s crush, but Summer hoped the confidence Natalie gained from this would help her see that she could accomplish anything and that she had bigger and brighter things in her future.
“I guess it won’t be so bad working there part-time over the summer.”With Cody, Summer heard without Natalie actually saying it. Natalie stood. “So we’re good?”
“You tell me.”
Natalie studied her a moment, then nodded. “We’re good.”
Summer wished for more enthusiasm, but took what she could get. “If you need help studying for your math final, I’m happy to help.”
Natalie rolled her eyes. “I’ll be lucky to pass that class.”
“With my help, I guarantee you will.”
“I’ll let you know.” Natalie walked out of the office and headed back to the other side of the house.
Cody popped his head in a moment later, unshowered and still wearing his running clothes. “That went well.”
“Eavesdropping, Counselor. Really?”
Cody glanced over his shoulder to be sure Natalie had left and they were alone. “Just making sure she didn’t make things worse.”
“She knows she’s in trouble and doesn’t want her parents, oryou, on her case anymore, so she said what she needed to say to get everyone off her back.”
Cody leaned his shoulder against the door frame. “Let’s hope this is the end of the snubbing and she accepts you now.”
“We’ll see.” Time would tell.
“I think this was a wake-up call for her.”
Summer piled her folders and papers and moved them to the unused credenza, clearing off the desk the way Cody preferred. “She’s at that age where she wants to be seen as an adult, fully capable of making her own decisions and being responsible for herself. But she also wants to have all the benefits of being a carefree teen who has parents who take care of everything for her.”
“I miss those days sometimes.”
Summer chuckled. “I was always more the parent in my relationship with my mom. I felt like I had to always be responsible.”
“No rebellious teen stories to tell?”
She shook her head. “I always did what was expected of me. I went along. I pushed away my feelings in favor of keeping the peace or making others happy.”
Cody frowned. “You’ve been unhappy a long time.”
“That’s why I came here. I did this for me.” She stared at him. “It meant a lot to me... what you did yesterday. Dinner last night... I loved it, just the two of us.”
“I liked it, too.”
“As first dates go, that was the best one I’ve ever had. The kiss, too.”
His eyes heated with desire. “That was my favorite part.”
“Mine, too.”
Cody took a step toward her, the intent to kiss her again clear in his eyes.
Alex ran in and grabbed his hand. “Can we go build sandcastles on the beach? Pleeease.”
Cody stared at her for one long moment, then looked down at his nephew. “Where’s your mom?”
“On the phone.” Alex’s upper body went lax. “Please.”