Page 4 of Just Like Heaven
I’m going to have to buy some new ones, though. I’m used to sunny Texas, where it doesn’t get cold. Now I’m in Canada, where it can get to zero degrees. I’ve been told Vancouver is warmer compared to the rest of Canada, but I’ll still need some winter coats.
The sun is just setting outside, and I still have to put my bed frame together.
She offered to help me. Or at least her roommate said she’d help me.
Maybe I’ll go up to see if she’d like to help me. I’ve done everything else.
Yeah, I’m totally going up therejustfor help.
I don’t know what it is about her, but my heart flutters when I see her. She’s unlike any girl I’ve ever met. Most of the women I’ve dated have been high-energy-happy hippy people wearing bright clothes they either got from a local store or made themselves. Women like me.
??Keiko is the opposite. Her energy was lower, more casual. She was wearing a band T-shirt. Not sure who the band is, but I make a mental note to check them out. Maybe I’ll find my new favourite band. She also wore fishnet stockings, a leather mini-skirt, black combat boots and black eyeliner. Very goth, but the way she smiled was light and made my toes curl. I find myself getting tingly all over thinking about her.
I promised myself that I wouldn’t date for a while. After all, I just broke up with someone. But Keiko has me reconsidering.
I check myself in the mirror before I go. My hair is a mess from the craziness of today, so I take out the tie and put my hair in a bun. I splash water on my face, take my key, and step outside. As I close my door, I notice two men standing and talking at Keiko’s door.
One of the guys bangs against the door. They’re both handsome, fit men. Something akin to jealousy knocks at me. One of these has to be the boyfriend, right?
“Hey,” I wave, and they both give me a nod.
One of them is taller than the other by a couple inches. The taller man has dark hair and a beard and is dressed in dark jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket. The other is clean-shaven with slicked-back hair, wearing a suit and glasses.
Based on their looks, I assume that the leather jacket man is her boyfriend. People who wear leather like other people who wear leather, right?
They keep staring at me, and I realize they have no idea why I’m here.
“I was just seeing if Keiko was home. She offered to help me unpack. I’m new here.” I shuffle on my feet, and then Keiko’s door opens.
“What do you—?” she sees the two men, then at me, and she pauses.
“Hey,” she says.
She looks at me and then back at the guys.
“What do you two want?” she asks.
“Okay, honest opinion,” the man in the suit says. “Do I pull off this hair?” He has his hands out and presents his head to Keiko, who rolls her eyes.
“No, you don’t. You look… wet.”
“See, I tolds you, b’y!” the man in the suit says to the other man. “I don’t do gel.”
“Then why did you put it on?” Keiko asks.
“I got a date in like twenty minutes, and I need something new. Nothing has been working for me, so I thought maybe I should change my hair,” he explains.
“Have you thought about changing your personality, instead?” she says, crossing her arms. The man rolls his eyes, sporting a small grin, amused by his friend’s insult.
“Listen, wash your hair, wear that suit and just be yourself.” She shoos them away, and they walk to the apartment on the other side of the hall.
The guy mutters about how being “himself” is terrible advice as they shut the door to their apartment.
“Sorry,” she sighs a breath of relief. “Um, did you want something?” she asks me.
“Um, yeah. If it’s not too much trouble, I need help putting my bed frame together. Can you help me?”