Page 5 of Belle
She’s wearing a red and white striped bikini top and chaps, andDirrtyby Christina Aguilera just started. Now that I think about it, she’s wearing almost a replica of Christina’s outfit in the music video.
What can I say? I used to be a big fan.
I can’t take my eyes off this girl. “Who is she?” I bend over to ask my new friend.
“That’s Belle. She’s a crowd favorite.” I turn my attention back to her.
“Belle. Hmm.” I can see why she’s a crowd favorite. The girls got my dick hard just from shaking her ass. She hasn’t even taken her clothes off yet.
She works the pole like it’s something she was born to do. I’ve never seen anything sexier in my life.
“She’s fucking amazing, isn’t she?”
“Yeah. She is.” I take a drink of my beer and lean back to enjoy the show. Maybe this trip won’t be a total waste.
The other few girls I watch––after Belle has finished––do absolutely nothing for me. My eyes keep scanning the room for her, but I never see her come out from the back.
“She doesn’t mingle when she’s done. I think that’s why she’s such a favorite. She’s a mystery.” What is this guy? A mind reader?
“I see. Makes sense.” I stand up and decide maybe it’s time to go home. If I keep this image of her naked body in my head, I’ll be able to jack off to it later.
“She’s here every night, except Sunday and Monday. I’ll see you tomorrow?” My new friend tilts his beer in my direction, and I nod. I guess I’m making friends now.
A curvy brunette stops me before I can make it out the door. “Where ya going, baby?”
She’s hot, but not really my type. Apparently, I prefer blondes. “I’m heading out. The show I was interested in is over now.”
A huge smile spreads over her face. “Ahh, a fan of Belle? She’s pretty amazing. Not much for socializing though.”
“I guess we have that in common.” I step aside and push the door open. I’ve never been a fan of strip clubs, but I guess this seedy one just changed my mind.
I glance over my shoulder a few times on my way to my car. I don’t know anything about this place, really. Something about it makes me feel uneasy.
My phone rings just as I make it back to my car.
“What’s up, Chet?”
“What are you doing? It sounds loud.”
“I’m leaving the strip club.” His laugh is loud and carries through the phone.
“First night there and you’re already at the strip club? That’s my boy. How was the talent?”
“It was subpar at best,” I lie. I’m not sure why I don’t tell him about Belle. Maybe I want to keep her to myself?
“I figured as much.”
“What are you doing calling so late?” I glance at the clock in my car.
“Couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d call and see how your day went.”
“The place I’m renting is a shit hole. I spent the day at the hardware store, and then the rest of the afternoon fixing things. I’m trying to make it livable. I rewarded myself with a trip to the strip club.”
“That’s my boy. Well, I’ll let you get back to whatever you’re doing. I’ll call you again in a few days. Later, man.”
This is why Chet and I get along so well, he’s a man of few words just like I am.
I toss my phone in the cupholder and sigh. I’d like to get a closer look at Belle. I don’t want to talk to her… the last thing on my mind after watching that performance is talking.