Page 2 of King of Kings
“Hey, Sophie.” Sophie is a nickname I gave her shortly after we met. She used to pretend like she hated it, but one night when we snuck out back to hang out in our old treehouse, she admitted that she loved it. She told me that no one had ever given her a nickname before, and it made her feel special.
She smiles at me, but our moment is interrupted when Kai comes barreling out of his bedroom.
“You guys ready?” he asks.
“I’ll see you guys later.” I throw my hand up in a wave, angry that I’m missing out on the opportunity to spend time with Sophia once again.
She gets closer and closer to my brothers, and meanwhile, my father pulls me further and further away.
I try not to slam the door behind me, but it’s so frustrating to watch people live the life you wish you were living. There’s a huge part of me that would love nothing more than to have a normal high school experience. I want to go to the party. I want to date the girl. I want something for myself for once.
I’m about ten miles into my thirty-mile drive when I make a split-second decision and turn around, heading towards the party.
You only live once, right?
I’ll deal with my dad later––and make sure tonight is worth it. I want to tell Sophia how I feel. I think she feels the same. Maybe it will make dealing with my dad a little easier if I have her by my side.
I pull up to the house on the beach. I had to call one of the guys from school to get the address. That’s how little I go to these things. I didn’t even know where to find the party.
The music is so loud that I can hear it all the way down the street. I had to park a few blocks away. How these parties don’t get the cops called on them is beyond me. Sometimes I think it’s a perk of being a rich kid. It’s almost as if you’re untouchable in a way.
My brothers have already been here for a good while, so I have no luck in finding them when I walk inside. Some people stop to talk to me, most of them are surprised to see me.
“Have you seen Kai or Kane?” I ask Jake, a guy from my Calculus class.
“I saw Kai and some blonde chick earlier. I haven’t seen Kane though.” He shrugs, offering me a beer, but I wave him off.
I’m frustrated, so I decide I’m going to use the bathroom and head out. Might as well get the punishment from my dad over with. He’s been calling my phone nonstop for the last hour.
I make my way down a dark hallway, trying––but failing––to find the bathroom. This house is huge. I guess if I were a regular, I’d know my way around.
I open the second door on the right and immediately wish I hadn’t. I’d rather be at the business meeting with my dad. I’d rather be at Dad’s office, listening to him tell me how much of a fuck-up I am. I’d rather have my car wrapped around a pole down the street. I’d rather be anywhere but standing here, watching my brother fuck the girl I’m in love with.
The two of them look shocked. Sophia looks like she’s in pain. It almost looks as if she’s heartbroken. But why would she be?
“I’m sorry.” I back out of the room, closing the door behind me.
I have no one to blame but myself. I never told anyone my feelings. I’ve never even alluded to the fact that I love Sophia. I never talk about my feelings. I’ve honestly never felt like I deserved any kind of happiness.
This is what happens when you start chasing things you think you deserve. You get slapped back to reality. The reality for me is that I’m meant to take over the family business. I’m not meant to have fun. I’m not meant to make my own decisions. And I’m certainly not meant to fall in love.
This will be the last time I let a woman get deep enough into my skin that I allow her to destroy me.
Chapter 1
“When do you plan to get married, Knox? Do you plan to let your baby sister find a husband before you do what you need to do?” My dad’s bored tone fills his office.
I’m leaning against the door frame, hands in my pocket, trying not to roll my eyes. This conversation is getting old.
“What century is this? Since when do you need to be married to run companies? Isn’t it a little cliche? The guy needs to find a wife to run the successful company, why? So he can fuck around on her while she’s sitting at home?”
“The wife is for the image, Knox. Surely you’re smart enough to realize that.” I watch him sign a few documents before his secretary scurries past to collect them.
Imagine that… my dad has yet another new secretary. This one is probably younger than me, and I’d hardly say her attire is work appropriate. Not to mention, I don’t miss the way she stares at me every time I’m in the building.
Like I’m a fucking piece of meat or something.