Page 80 of King of Kings
“Hello?” I hear her again, her voice getting closer.
Bradley stands up, gripping my arm and dragging me towards the door at the back of the house.
I’m trying desperately to control the tears stinging my eyes, but it’s getting harder. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified right now. Bradley has lost it.
He pulls me down towards the road behind the house. I’m not sure why he’s still using such force, because I’m not going anywhere. I’m too scared he’ll go after Kinsley.
“Chill out, I’m not running,” I say, yanking my arm from him.
“I don’t trust you, surely you understand why,” he says, before shoving me into his car.
“You do realize how crazy this is, right?” I say to him as he climbs into the driver's seat.
“You’ve already ruined my life. My career is over. I have a record. I may as well go out with a bang, right?” He laughs.
“You have completely lost it,” I mumble.
“You’d be the same way if you were in my position. If you’d lost everything that mattered to you,” he says, driving away from the Kingston house.
“I’m sorry things aren’t working out for you, but it’s not really my fault that you tried to assault me in my own home,” I say, my anger quickly replacing my fear.
“I’m your fucking husband. It’s not assault,” he spits out.
“You have never been my husband. It was a contract, and you know it. I tried to divorce you almost a year ago,” I say.
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’d been eyeing you for a while. It just happened to work out that your parents got themselves into some financial trouble.” He’s veering all over the road.
I’m more worried about him killing the both of us in a car crash than what he might do whenever he gets to his destination.
“Where are you going?” I fish, hoping he’ll give me something.
“Let’s just say, I rented something out for the two of us.” He smirks, making my stomach turn.
To think, just a couple of hours ago, I was cuddling up with the man I love, talking about the future.
I watch him make several turns until we’re in an area I don’t recognize. He pulls up to a run-down hotel that seems to be in the middle of nowhere.
“What’s your plan here?” I ask, leaning against the door to get as far away from him as I can.
“We’re going to spend a few nights together, and then I’m out of here. I’m leaving the country. I just can’t run off until I get what’s mine first,” he says, pulling into the parking lot.
I try to hold down the bile in my throat at the thought of spending any time with him, let alone time with him in this place.
“This doesn’t really seem like your style,” I point out.
“It’s not, but I couldn't rent a room at the Hilton, could I? That would be the first place they’d check.”
“The first place who would check?” I ask. Trying to distract him to give myself time to come up with a plan.
He looks at me like I’m stupid.
“You know who. Your new man. The police. The whole fucking city.” He says, waving his hands in the air.
He’s given this a lot of thought. I wonder when they let him out of jail and why Knox’s friend didn’t give us a heads up.
“You stay in the car. If you try anything, I’ll find you, and I won’t waste any more time,” he threatens, pulling the keys from the ignition before walking inside.
I scan the area, trying to decide if there is anywhere I can run to get help. There was a gas station we passed on the way up to the hotel, but I’m not sure I’m fast enough to run there before he would figure out I was gone. The only other option is the woods behind the building. I just don’t know where they go. It would be a big risk to run through them.