Page 10 of Heartless Devil
I’m standing on my tip toes, trying to reach a cup from the back of the kitchen cabinet, when I feel someone slide up behind me.
“Need some help, princess?” I can feel Cole’s hot breath on my ear as he leans down to whisper.
I try to fight the shiver that runs down my body.
“No, thanks. I got it.” His body presses up against me as he reaches above my head to grab a glass.
I turn around to get it from him, expecting him to hand it to me, but instead, I watch him walk over to the fridge, pull out some juice, and pour himself a glass.
“Asshole,” I mutter as he walks out of the room.
By the time I manage to get myself a drink and get back upstairs, Cam is off the phone and sprawled across her bed.
“How did that go?” I ask.
“Tabby’s a bitch.”
“You’re just figuring this out now?” I roll my eyes.
“I know you don’t like her, Charlie, but she’s my friend. I think she got the point though. Cole is off limits. For everyone.”
I watch her scroll through her phone, dropping the subject. Cameron has never had any problem letting you know exactly how she feels. She makes a far better friend than she would an enemy. She’s ruthless. She doesn’t care who you are, and if you betray her, you’re fair game.
“Heather also likes to stir shit,” I point out.
Heather is a good friend, but she lives for drama. If she finds even a morsel of something, she will exaggerate the shit out of it to turn it into a juicy story.
“She wasn’t lying about this though. Tabby admitted to hitting on him. She swears she backed off when he said he was my brother. Who knows if she’s lying or not? Time will tell.”
I lay down on the bed next to her, both of us scrolling through the pictures she took tonight, stopping to laugh at different things happening in the background. After we’re bored of that, Cam turns on a movie, but quickly falls asleep.
Unfortunately, I’m wide awake. I grab my glass from earlier and head downstairs to put it in the sink. My trouble with sleeping started a long time ago, right around the time my parents started leaving me home alone. Every little sound in the house would keep me awake at night, and I’ve just learned to function on little to no sleep since then.
After I rinse my cup out, I walk over towards the patio doors. Cam has the most gorgeous pool in her backyard. It’s huge, with its own waterfall. There’s even a small grotto you can swim into for more privacy, if that’s your thing.
The backyard is completely silent, aside from the water falling into the pool. I decide to take my chances and peel my clothes off, standing in the middle of her patio in just my panties and nothing else, diving into the water.
The warm water feels amazing on my skin. I swim a couple of laps before making my way into the grotto. I hear voices right after I swim inside, and back into a corner so I can’t be seen.
“Had any good pussy lately?” I hear Tyler’s voice first.
“Is that all you ever think about?” Cole sounds grumpy. Then again, he always does.
“Of course.” Tyler laughs.
“I had Monika over here earlier. She’s an easy lay but fuck she’s annoying.” I scrunch my nose up in disgust.
Boys are disgusting.
“Monika is hot though.”
“I don’t know if hot is worth the trouble.” Cole sighs.
“I’m about to head out. I didn’t get home until after three this morning and my mom flipped her shit. I swear she forgets that I’m a fucking adult sometimes.”
“You could have fooled me.” Cole laughs.
I hear the patio door slide open and take a deep breath. Seems like I’m in the clear. It’s so easy to forget that Cole is back in town when we have been used to him being gone for so long.