Page 14 of Weston
I certainly wasn’tsadover the things he just said. The things that he most certainly meant about Lena…I mean, who else? She was his only recurring date, and maybe it made me a horrible person, but I just didn’t like her for him. She was mean spirited and negative and legit used him for his status. She wasn’t even that good at trying to pretend she didn’t.
But I didn’t have a right to feel sad over it. Maybe from a friend standpoint, sure, but as anything else? Not my place.
It wouldneverbe my place.
“This is pretty entertaining though,” he continued when I didn’t respond. “I hope those two make it to the end,” he said, pointing to who had quickly become our favorite potential couple. “She’ll tear him to pieces.”
I laughed with him, doing my best to breathe without coughing or sneezing. I was just exhausted, that’s the only reason my emotions were all over the place.
“You want to watch another one?” Weston asked after we’d binged four episodes. “Or do you want something else to eat?”
“I’m so full, but thank you. I’m really glad I was able to eat today.” It was the first time I’d been able to successfully eat since I’d gotten sick a few of days ago. “Even though I’m still worried about you getting sick,” I continued. “I’m really grateful you came.”
Weston nudged me with his arm. “What are friends for?”
The cliché made me cringe, but I forced out a laugh. Why did the term bother me so much? It’s what we’d always been.
Partners in every way that mattered but one. And really, how could I even dream of asking for more? The universe had given me so much with him in my life, it would be selfish to demand all of him for myself.
“What else do you need?” he asked.
“You don’t have to stay,” I said for the fourth time tonight. “It’s beyond late. I’m sure you’re missing your bed.”
“Mineisbigger,” he said.
“Everything you have is bigger,” I blurted out before I could run it through my mind.
A wild little smirk shaped his lips, the mischievous look doing things to my body thatsoshouldn’t be capable of happening at the moment. I had the flu for heaven’s sake!
I clenched my eyes shut. “I meant that your house is bigger, your bank account, your car, everything.”
“Got it,” he said, humor dancing over his features. “Everything aboutmeis bigger. I’ll take it.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “You’re impossible.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
I sighed, a snap of pain zipping through my head. “What was it again?”
“What do you need?”
I gave in and thought about it, trying like hell to listen to my body and its demands which were definitely all over the damn place. Something logical finally hit me over the head. I wished I could wash my hair. It’d been a couple of days, and the idea of having it clean sounded like absoluteheaven.
“Nothing,” I finally answered him, because really, it’s not like he could take a showerforme. And I didn’t have the energy to do it myself.
“Don’t do that,” he said. “I know you. I saw it on your face. You thought of something.”
“It’s fine,” I waved him off. “I just thought about how much I’d love to take a shower so I can have clean hair, but I’m really too tired. I know that’s contradicting, but it’s the truth.”
Weston stared at me for a few moments, then rolled off the bed, standing with his hand extended toward me. “Come on.”
“What?” I gaped at him. “No.”
“Weston,” I sputtered. “I know we’ve known each other for years, but I don’t know if you remember, we don’t exactly take showers together.”