Page 22 of Weston
I’d kissedhim.
And I wanted more than that.
The moment had been brought about by me pushing him into proving he knew about crossing lines, and then continued under the guise of pretending we weren’t what we actually were to each other—which was boss and employee at the basest of levels, best friends on the deeper ones.
My body didn’t give a shit about those labels, and apparently neither did my heart because the kiss had played on repeat until my skin felt hot and tight on a permanent basis. Jesus, if my phone hadn’t rung, what would’ve happened? If I hadn’t snapped out of the fantasy, stopping us before we went any further, I would’ve given myself entirely to him without a second thought, and where would that put us? It was already awkward enough and we’d only kissed and teased and…yes, I’d ran away from him like a coward, but if I’d stayed, I could’ve ruined everything between us.
Despite knowing all of that, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Thinking about the way my body had practically snag at his touch.
But at least I hadn’t spent the entire flight staring at him where he sat across from me in his own bucket seat, pouring over a workload that I knew was three times the weight of mine, and I considered that a huge win.
It wasn’t like I could completely ignore him though—he looked really fucking good in his casual gray pants and white thermal shirt.
Too fucking good. I could see every muscle he had beneath the tight fabric, and just seeing it made me remember how great it felt to have him against me…
Not that I needed to imagine. I’d seen Weston shirtless countless times, but I’d never wanted to see him shirtless so badly in all my life. See him shirtlessandhave the freedom to run my fingers over the dips and grooves of his muscles, kiss his skin, feel him against me with nothing between us—
I jolted in my seat. “What?”
Weston’s eyebrows raised. “We’re about to land.”
“Okay?” I asked, damn near breathless.
God, this was going to be such a long trip despite it only spanning a weekend. I’d never dreaded a poker game more than I did right now.
I mean, normally Ilivedfor these trips—getting to see exotic locales and experience new cultures was a freaking dream—but after what had happened between us, it was hard to picture anything about this trip being as easy as the others.
“You need to put your laptop away and buckle up.” Weston shook his head, giving me a look that screamedhow many times have you flown before?
“Oh,” I said, blinking as I realized I still had my laptop opened. “Right.” I quickly closed out of everything and stowed it before buckling up. Damn, I really needed to get my head on straight.
It was just a kiss.
I’d been kissed before. Plenty of times. Some of them were very good kisses. Why was Weston’s spinning my head so much?
Because he took your breath away.
Because it was like waking up from a deep sleep and finding yourself in the arms of your dream man.
Because it was just a kiss and you instantly knew—
I forced the thoughts to stop right there. I was not going to over-analyze this. I was not going to let things get weird between us because I hadonelapse in judgment and pushed him into it. I was the one who’d suggested he pretend, after all. But could he really blame me? I didn’t have a clue he considered there to be any lines between us, so naturally when he’d brought it up I thought he was joking.
And maybe he really was and just went with it, because he clearly wasn’t as affected as me, not with how normal he’d been acting the entire flight. Kissing me was probably just another night for him, a way to pass the time or explore uncharted places and all that.
You know that isn’t true.
Well, my brain was very much team-Weston-can-do-no-wrong and I was just about over it. But he hadn’t done anything wrong. I was the one who ran out on him like his kiss had been terrifying instead of exhilarating. I couldn’t help my imagination running away with me if I hadn’t left.
Weston would’ve continued his teasing, tracing light circles over the lace covering my aching center, and I would’ve let him.
He would’ve taken his time undoing the buttons of my blouse before cupping my full, heavy breasts in his hands. He would’ve dipped his head down to kiss each one before returning to my mouth. And only after he’d teased me to the point of begging would he slide his cock between my thighs. His strokes would be dominant and wild—just like him. He’d work me into a moaning, panting mess—
The plane’s wheels hit the runway, jarring me out of the fantasy. I shifted in my seat, an ache wrenching between my thighs.