Page 30 of Weston
Edging me and making me come so hard I’d soaked my sheets—
“Ms. Allen,” Jake whispered my name, startling me out of the memory.
I took a deep breath, blinking a few times.
“What do you think?” he asked, his tone indicating he’d asked once before.
I flashed him an apologetic look, and walked around the conference table to where he had his ad copy boards spread out before him and his team. The other teams were currently showing their work to Weston.
Weston, who was only separated from me by the conference table.
Weston, who’d been as close to me as humanly possible last night.
“It’s stunning,” I said, answering honestly as I looked over Jake and his team’s work. “I know the company is going to absolutely love it. It’s exactly what they’re looking for.”
And with four months before we had to turn our campaign in and hope that Nike selected it for their new product launch, it was a good thing we had work of this quality already. With the time we had left it would be beyond perfect. I really was blessed with a fantastic team.
“I’m excited to have this for the Raptors,” Weston said as he tapped the board image on the other side of the table. “We’re going to be the best-looking team in the NFL.”
“Like the Raptors weren’t already?” I asked, and his eyes met mine across the table.
Big mistake.
Why did he have to look at me like that?
Why did I have to sleep with my best friend? And most importantly, why wasn’t I a better negotiator? Couldn’t I have sprung for forty-eight hours instead of just one night?
Would one night really ever be enough?
After what we’d done…after the way he’d made me feel?
No. One night was never going to cut it—
“Ms. Allen?” Jake asked again at the same time Sara on the other team asked for Weston.
We tore our eyes off of each other and buried them in the work.
“You feeling okay?” Jake asked as I finalized some notes on the early stages of the product launch campaign.
“Yes, why?” I asked.
He shrugged, gathering his supplies while everyone filed out of the room, including Weston. “You seem distracted today, and I don’t want to be selfish here, but with the deadline approaching, none of us could survive if you got the flu again.”
I laughed, waving him off. “I’m healthy,” I said. “Just a little tired. I’m not going to abandon you all when you need me most.”
He smiled at me. “Thank you,” he said. “Get some sleep.”
I nodded at him as he left the room, and settled into an empty chair. I could go to my office, but what if Weston was in there waiting for me?
It wouldn’t be anything unusual. He popped into my office for a chat or to work in a very comfortable silence all the time…but what were we supposed to do now? Wes said doing it one time would get it out of our systems, but we’d done it three times last night and I still wanted more.
Did he really expect me to act like it never happened?
If the previous meeting was any indication, I was failing miserably.
* * *