Page 59 of Weston
“Weston, darling,” she said. “To what do I owe—”
“I always knew you were a power-starved go-getter, Lena, but I never thought you’d stoop this low.”
She sat up straighter in her chair. “Excuse me?”
I jabbed a finger, pointing at the rock she sported on her left-hand ring finger. “That isn’t from me.”
“This?” She waggled her fingers, making the diamond sparkle in the light before she stood up and rounded the desk to stand in front of me.
I took a giant step back.
“You may not have given it to me, but it certainly is a delightful little replica, isn’t it? Amazing what talented individuals can create from pure memory.”
I rubbed my palms over my face. “Do you even realize the damage you’ve done?”
“Damage?” she shook her head. “Have you checked the stock prices? After the announcement they went up five points. Can you imagine how high they’ll go after the wedding?”
I gaped at her. “You’re delusional.”
“I’m practical, Weston,” she said, shrugging like she didn’t have a hand in ruining my life.
“Why did you do this? We haven’t seen each other in months.”
“And that’s different from the last two years?” she asked. “I told you months ago, I don’t need all of you. Just pieces.”
The pieces of me that would elevate her social status and solidify her business ventures. Fucking hell.
“And I thought I was clear when I told you I wanted nothing to do with a life like that.”
“You’re overreacting,” she said. “You’re a logical businessman, Weston. You always have been. And I know you always need hard evidence before you invest,” she said, motioning to herself and the fake ring. “This was my way of presenting that evidence to you. You have to see the upside of this. We’re great in bed together, great in business. Everyone loves the idea of us—”
“I.Don’t.” I shook my head. “I will never marry you, I will never be with you. Ever. And if you don’t get Vogue to print a retraction, I’m going to take you to court for libel.”
“The article did nothing to damage your character,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You wouldn’t have a case.”
“Do you want to take that bet with me, Lena?” The tone of my voice made her visibly swallow.
“I can’t believe you’re ignoring the stock prices and the potential for growth here—”
“I’m in love with Brynn!” I shouted, the sound filling the room and making her jump.
I took a deep breath, doing my best to calm the roaring anger inside of me. I wasn’t about scaring women, even the ones who were making my life a living hell.
“Your assistant?”
“My best friend,” I clarified.
“You’ve got to be joking. She’s no one—”
“Careful,” I cut her off. “She’s everything to me. And the stunt you pulled may have lost me the love of my life.”
Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she folded her arms over her chest. “You should’ve told me you were seeing someone,” she snapped.
“It was none of your business,” I said. “We were done. You knew that the second I declined your ultimatum. How was I supposed to know you’d go so far as to fake an engagement to me? I mean, who the fuck does that?”
“It was a business proposal!” She shook her head. “You should’ve told me the second you were sleeping with someone else!”
“Like you have? Be real, Lena, we were never exclusive. That was our deal up front, and I know half the men you’ve been with while also sleeping with me and I never gave a shit.”