Page 32 of Painted Love
I grin. "Got it."
Chapter sixteen
Wepullintothedriveway around six and find Eli's truck already here, the house lit up from inside. I can see shapes moving through the windows--mom, Jake, Eli, Sadie, and their baby daughter Lily. I reach over to squeeze Piper's hand, giving her an encouraging smile.
"You're going to be great," I murmur. " yourself. I know Sadie can be intense, but she's my twin and we're close enough for her to know I wouldn't do anything to hurt Caleb."
Piper nods. "Things have felt like they're going so smoothly...I don't trust that it'll all be fine."
"Butit will be," I tell her. "And I'll be right there beside you."
She smiles. "I know."
We step out of the car and walk towards the front door, the sound of laughter and conversation growing louder with each step. As we enter the house, Sadie rushes over to greet us, pulling me into a tight embrace--basically ignoring Piper, which I don't love.
"Oh my god, it's been way too long," she exclaims. "I feel like with the baby and the bakery, I haven't had a second to breathe."
I laugh, returning her hug. "It really has been a while. How's Lily?" I ask, gesturing towards the baby in her arms.
"She's amazing," Sadie replies, beaming with pride. "You have to hold her."
I take Lily in my arms, cooing at her as she snuggles into me. Piper stands back, watching us with a small smile on her lips. She has this strange expression on her face, her hand falling to her stomach, and I realize she must be thinking about what I'll be like with our baby.
I don't even know anything about the it a boy or a girl? Does Piper even know?
Sadie looks away from me and over at Piper, her expression tense. But before Sadie can even say anything, Eli cuts in and reaches out to take her in a bear hug.
"You must be Piper," he says. "I'm Eli; I hear we're gonna be family soon?"
Piper isn't a hugger--I don't think, anyway--but she seems to appreciate the distraction, and she hugs him right back. Sadie's eyes dart between them and me, and I shrug as I gently bounce Lily in my arms, the baby laughing.
"I don't know if I'd go that far," Piper says as Eli lets her go. "I've...I've done a lot of bad things and I want to earn a place in this family."
She meets Sadie's eyes, then, facing her head-on.
"I heard you have some questions for me," Piper says. "Lay it on me."
Sadie nods, her expression serious. "I do have some questions, Piper," she says. "But first, let me just say that I trust Jesse's judgment. If he believes you're sincere about wanting to be a part of this family, then I'm willing to give you a chance."
Piper looks relieved at Sadie's words, and I feel a sense of pride for my sister's ability to be open-minded and fair.
"But, that being said," Sadie continues, her voice growing more stern. "I need to know that you're not going to hurt my brother--thisbrother. He's been through enough already, and you put Caleb through the wringer."
Piper nods, her eyes locking with Sadie's. "I know," she says. "And I promise you, Sadie, that I've changed. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm committed to being a better person. I was dealing with...a lot when I was with Caleb, but I made the effort to get clean and now I'm here. And I promise...this was an accident. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Sadie's gaze falls to Lily, and she points at her daughter with a soft smile before looking at Eli. "This was an accident too," she says, "but it's the best thing that ever happened to I get it."
Piper's shoulders visibly relax at Sadie's words, and she reaches out to touch Sadie's arm. "Thank you," she says, her voice shaking slightly. "I know I have a lot to prove, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust."
Sadie nods, seemingly satisfied with Piper's response. "Good," she says, her tone softening. "Because you're not just earning my trust, Piper. You're earning the trust of the entire family. And that's not going to be easy."
Piper's face falls at Sadie's words, but she nods her head in understanding. "I know," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm willing to try."
I step forward, placing a reassuring hand on Piper's shoulder as I hold Lily with one arm.
"She means it, Sadie," I say, meeting my sister's gaze. "We both do. And we'll do whatever it takes to make things right."