Page 11 of Too Dam Good
She beams down at her baby, who's cooing contentedly. "We're doing great! All tuckered out from last night, I think..."
I nod along, hoping she's got something to do and that she'll leave me alone soon. I just want to escape without being questioned about where I ran off to last night withsomeone'scousin-in-law.
But of course, Reagan is not one to let things go. "So what brings you to the pharmacy?" she asks, indicating the box of Plan B in my hand.
I feel myself blushing hotly, and my heart starts pounding. Shit, shit, shit. I should have hidden this better. "Uh, just picking up some...supplements," I say lamely, trying to shove the box into my purse.
Reagan raises an eyebrow. She's a doctor. She knows what's in my hand.
"Plan B?"
I gulp. "Gotta go..."
I rush out of the pharmacy, but my feet slide on the ice, forcing me to slow down. Reagan is right on my heels, her baby laughing like this is the funniest joke in the world.
Maybe it is.
"Sarah Chandler," she says. "You're not getting out of this that easy. Who was it?"I turn around, my eyes wide with panic. Reagan is standing right behind me, her baby still giggling in her arms. I try to think of something to say, some excuse that will get me out of this, but my mind is blank. I can feel my face growing hot with embarrassment, and I bite my lip hard. Reagan is my best friend, but I can't tell her about Jake. Not yet, at least.
Not until I figure out what's going on between us.
If anything.
"It', nobody," I mutter, looking down at my shoes. "Just a mistake."
Reagan puts a hand on my shoulder, her expression softening. "Hey, it's okay," she says. "I'm not here to judge you. I just want to make sure you're all right."
I nod, feeling grateful for her understanding. "I'm fine," I say. "Just a little shaken up, that's all."
Reagan smiles, her baby starting to fuss in her arms. "Well, let's get you home then. You need some rest."
I nod again, feeling relieved. Reagan is always there for me, even when I mess up. And I know that she won't tell anyone what happened today, or ask any more questions that I'm not ready to answer.
As we walk out of the pharmacy and into the cold winter air, I can't help but think about Jake. Was last night just a one-time thing? Or is there something more between us?
I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Chapter seven
I'vebeeninAlaskafor two months now...and I've thought about Sarah damn near every day.
I only met her the one time. I don't have her number, so I can't reach her. She's probably moved on already.
But that doesn't change the fact that, on sea-tossed nights when the waves slam against my boat, I can't help but think about her wild, untamed hair and the way she laughed at my jokes. It's a strange feeling, being so disconnected from the rest of the world, but still feeling this pull towards someone.
Which is romantic, sure--but it also leads to a lot of sleepless nights.
That isn't great when you don't have much privacy.
My bunkmate, Tommy, is a guy I've known for years, who often ends up on the same jobs. He leaves me to my own business for the most part, but one night as we weather a particularly rough sea, he pipes up for the sake of keeping ourselves busy.
"Who are you planning on going home to this go round, Hart?" he asks from the bunk below.
I chuckle. "A girl who ain't mine."
Tommy raises an eyebrow. "Oh? You finally found someone worth pining over?"