Page 21 of Too Dam Good
He raises an eyebrow and doesn't respond.
"Jake, I'm serious about this," I say, taking a step toward him. "I don't want to get pregnant. I'm not getting an abortion. I didn't want to have to go and get a prescription for birth control, but I'm not going to get pregnant, okay? I'm not the mothering type."
I take a deep breath, frustrated. Why the fuck does he have to be such an asshole and pick on me about this?
"I'm not the type to kinkshame, and I get that you're into the idea of getting me pregnant, but you're seriously acting like I'm going to go off and have a little Jake baby," I say. "It's not going to happen. So deal."
He sighs, looking back down at the box in his hand, and there's a moment where I think I've broken whatever's blooming between us. I don't think I meant all those things I said. Sure,logically, I think them...but I feel something else.
My hormones are raging at me to let this man claim and use me however he likes.
That damn biological clock.
"Sarah," Jake says quietly. "I know we hardly know each other, can't tell me you don't feel it too, right? This thing between us."
"I...guess," I say, not looking at him.
"You guess?" He steps closer, and I shiver as I feel his presence behind me. "You guess." His hands are on my hips. "You guess you don't feel this electricity between us?"
"Why are you being this way?" I ask, tensing as he pulls my shirt up over my breasts. "You like me, I like you. We like sex. You know I'm not going to get pregnant."
His hands find my nipples and I sigh, rolling my head back. I'm saying all these things,sayingI'm not going to get pregnant, that this is all meaningless...but I know better. Especially when his hands are on me like this, twisting and teasing.
"I know," he says. "But it's not just that. It's...I don't know, Sarah, I feel like this was fate. Like we were always going to--"
His words are cut short when I smell smoke and realize I've charred the bread. I squeak and turn around to flip the sandwiches over, finding a blackened husk on the side that burned. Jake is behind me in a heartbeat, looking at the grilled cheese.
"Maybe you should have let me cook after all," he laughs.
I shove him with my elbow. "Cut it out," I tell him. "You are notnearlyas cute as you think you are."
"The way you scream my name says otherwise," he purrs. " and then more sex? Or do you need to take your pill?"
He reaches for the box, but I snatch it away and toss it back on the counter. "No, I don't need to take it yet," I say, giving him a warning look. "I'll do it when we're done eating."
"Okay," he says. "I'll make sure you're too distracted after food to remember."
Sexy bastard.
Chapter fourteen
IthinkI'mfallingin love.
We spend weeks in bed with each other. As the summer rages outside, we stay indoors, skin to skin. We make each other dinner and breakfast, and sometimes we drive up to the lake to cool off.
And every wedding I go to, I think of Jake.
I see families with their kids, partners saying their vows and making plans together. I meet with couples who hold hands and look at each other with stars in their eyes, and I know that's how Jake looks at me.
We don't go public--we don't want the scrutiny--but I'm certain every single one of the Harts can tell something is going on. It even reaches a point where I have to ask Reagan if she told, but she insists that she's kept things quiet.
It's written on our faces, I guess.
We're meant to be.
We lie in bed together in mid-August, taking a break from sex for my period. I think Jake is disappointed--and that both weirds me out and thrills me, because I'm starting to like the idea of accidentally getting pregnant. I almost see it as a sign from the universe--that, if I were to get knocked up--it would be a sign that we're supposed to do this for real.